Home » Freedom of Religion » Christopher Hitchens answers islamic apologist’s misinformed question

Christopher Hitchens answers islamic apologist’s misinformed question

On the 13th of October 2007, at the Freedom From Religion Foundation Christopher Hitchens responds to an audience members question on supposed “crimes” commited by the American Government in Iraq and Afghanistan. The individual who asked the question obviously did not do any research before asking the question, or decided to ignore the facts.

iConcerts – Rock – REM & Co – Celebrate South Africa www.i-concerts.com South Africa Freedom Day Concert On The Square took place on Sunday 29th April to mark the seventh anniversary of South Africa’s first free elections and to recognize the achievements of the past seven years. Dr Nelson Mandela joined Tony Blair and over 20000 people in central London to enjoy this incredible day. The concert features a cast of international and South African musical stars including but not limited to REM, Dave Stewart, Atomic Kitten or Billy Ocean.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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50 comments on “Christopher Hitchens answers islamic apologist’s misinformed question

  • @AliceNchainz011 Sorry, I meant an unequivocal fag.

  • @berrylict Yes.

  • @AliceNchainz011 SHUDDUP, you equivocal dick!

  • ihatebobsaget1989

    October 5, 2011 at 6:45 am

    sad that he is dying now.

  • AliceNchainz011

    October 5, 2011 at 7:29 am

    I actually think both Hitchens and the questioner were right in their own respective ways. Radical muslims are intolerant, without question and they shouldnt be coddled by spineless leftists. At the same time, I think the U.S. would be better off stopping trying to influence the politics of such barbarians and let them rot. That way they have no one to blame but themselves for their lot in life. I think Ronald Reagan had it right when defending his decision to withdraw troops from Lebanon

  • Hitch can ham it up, but why the hell not, he’s on a stage.

  • Am I the only one who thinks that Hitch is being a bit hysterical here?

  • ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

    Wow dude. Lmfao. Na, na, na.


  • he has no respect for the little people

  • QuestionForAtheists

    October 5, 2011 at 9:50 am

    A question for atheists. In a world where there’s no proof of God’s existence or of life after death; how will you explain to your children why you brought them into the world and why they should die?

  • @sazji You have to ask yourself the question why the Middle East is so backward and undemocratic compared to the rest of the world. The answer is not ‘actions by Christian nations.’ It is easy to blame foreigners for being in a bad situation. India suffered much more from colonialism than the Middle East yet Indians harbour no resent towards the West today and have created the most populous pluralist democracy in the world. Muslim Pakistan by contrast has regressed into barbarism and self-pity.

  • @ZF1000 ‘The actions by Christian nations that led to an Islamic response were concrete’ – Yes, they were, and are. This is the resentment which Al-Qaida has taken advantage of. As for “taking responsibility” – how? Each person is responsible for his own actions. I don’t “take responsibility” for Orthodox Christians’ massacres of Turkish villagers in 1915. I admit it was horrendously wrong, just as most Muslims don’t see the actions of a government as justification for slaughter of innocents.

  • @sazji I did read your post and understood you very well. You said ‘The actions by Christian nations that led to an Islamic response were concrete’ and that Al Qaeda ‘rode on the back of the already-present hate for the west’ and I retorted by saying ‘It is a complete falsehood to suggest Al Qaeda was born out of Muslims being oppressed by Western imperialism.’ You entirely avoided answering my point about Muslims taking responsibility for Islamism and my comparison with the democracy of India.

  • @ZF1000 I didn’t say it was; if you think I did, you didn’t read my post. I said that the general resentment towards the west grew out of western (and not just US) imperialism and meddling. Al-Qaida took advantage of that resentment and uses it to its own political ends. My point is, if it weren’t for an already-present resentment of the west, and for pretty logical reasons, Al-Qaida would have had nothing to draw upon.

  • @sazji It is a complete falsehood to suggest Al Qaeda was born out of Muslims being oppressed by Western imperialism and having had enough with foreign interventions; no, I won’t accept that. Islamism surfaced without the help of the outside world and Muslims have to take responsibility for that. You can’t just shirk blame by pinning it on outsiders. India suffered immensely during partition but it became a pluralist democracy and is now one of the fastest growing economies in Asia.

  • @ZF1000 Oh come off it; that’s a lame-ass Bush-ism, that nobody would have dared be so stupid to put forth prior to the Great Imbecile. Go to Iran today; you’ll find that most people have no trouble with you at all, they just resent British and US politics that fucked their country for decades. Talk to a Palestinian who has lived his entire life in a refugee camp. Talk to an Iraqi whose brutal dictator was supported by the US until it became inconvenient to do so. Put yourself in their place.

  • @sazji That ‘already-present hate for the west’ of which you speak was stoked and fueled for decades by Islamic dictators and mullahs throughout the Middle East. Resentful of western prosperity and freedom despite possessing what they regarded as a superior holy book they created a counterpart ideology rooted in resent and superstition. This inferiority complex manifested itself in resurgent extremist Islam.

  • The actions by Christian nations that led to an Islamic response were concrete: the US supported a coup that extinguished Iran’s only democratically elected government and supported the Shah’s brutal regime instead. It supports Israel almost unconditionally. The USSR invaded Afghanistan, and the US supported the Taliban against them. Al Qaida wasn’t the initial response; it came later and rode on the back of the already-present hate for the “west.”

  • I’m usually with Christopher Hitchens but not on this one. All of his examples of Islamic craziness are post-Islamic radicalism. The question is not whether there is Islamic radicalism and violence in the name of Islam; it’s what drove people to it in the first place. What led to Al Qaida, what gave rise to the Taliban, who supported Saddam as he gassed his own people, what actions by the US left the Iranians little choice but to organize around religion? He avoids the question.

  • hitchslap!

  • Hitchens is AMAZING! One fail swoop is all it takes to point out the lunacy of the left in this regard. One hand is held up in protest against oppression, the other is held up to prevent anything be done about it whilst at the same time loudly chest- thumping and accusing America of attempted ‘colonization’ and oil theft.

    Funny ,but we’ve been there 9 years and the nations at the front of the que in the oil auctions are the same ones that opposed it in the first place. hmmmm

  • @LegendaryAsshole theologically your wrong by technical definition a jew can refer to somebody belevies in the god of the old testement or to somebody that traces the heritage to one of the tribes of the old testement or somebody that thinks the laws of moses are the best laws for a civilization as a matter of fact the only aberhamic philosophy that states belief in god is necessary is islam

  • @kolkrabe19 retard. nothing can be explained to a redneck like u.

  • @pejj1 idiot. there’s no your type of spelling in Hebrew

  • @pejj1 Explain to me the philosophy behind Jewish parasitism.

  • RIP R.E.M.

  • Nothing good lasts forever, hold on to it as long as you can and enjoy it, love it treasure it, and be prepared to give it up one day.

  • ALFREDO1993ification

    October 5, 2011 at 5:35 pm


  • So will they do a farewell tour?

  • @MultiSilversky
    Right, right, right for more than 100%!

  • Amazing R.E.M. we’ll remember you for ever!!!!

  • Michael Stripe is in World War Z

    🙂 I is happy now

  • THX R.E.M


  • Ihr seid einfach eine tolle Band gewesen, eure Musik bleibt für die Ewigkeit

  • i`m losing my r.e.m …

  • THX R.E.M. – One of the greatest bands on this planet. Every story comes to an end and this story ended too early. 🙁

  • Losing my R.E.M. Thx for all!

  • R.I.P. R.E.M.

  • you’ll be missed

  • Great Band…R.E.M forever!

  • 🙁

  • Mrmakevelijughuyokii

    October 5, 2011 at 11:03 pm

    Im 26, was in my early teens when i first heard R.E.M from my older sister, right now i wish i was 8 years older so i could experience this.

  • Goodbye R.E.M. You’re history, now.

  • francescobasini

    October 6, 2011 at 12:22 am

    si sono sciolti i REM!! 🙁 che amarezza!

  • losing my religion ? the new religion name is R.E.M.

  • Glee <3

  • por que o michael sempre tem d fazer essa dancinha gay no começo dessa música?

  • YouTube… there are 8 dislikes, please fix it


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