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Freedom go to hell

Britain’s spineless government BOOK OF VIDEO TRANSCRIPTS NOW AVAILABLE www.lulu.com READ MY RECENT INTERVIEW WITH DUTCH NEWSPAPER AD WEEKEND blogs.myspace.com Dutch MP banned from Britain www.telegraph.co.uk Labour minister praises Muslims because “secular commentators are afraid to criticise them.” www.telegraph.co.uk “Freedom go to hell” and other choice slogans. www.snopes.com When the original screening was cancelled Lord Ahmed told the Pakistani press it was “a victory for the Muslim community”. www.app.com.pk Fitna the movie www.themoviefitna.com PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION IN SUPPORT OF GEERT WILDERS www.petitiononline.com PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION AND SUPPORT THE GLOBAL CAMPAIGN AGAINST SHARIA LAW www.onelawforall.org www.shariapetition.com You can download an audio version of this video at patcondell.libsyn.com

We examine the July 2009 Awake magazine article, “Is It Wrong To Change Your Religion?”, and the double standards applied to potential converts, verses Jehovah’s Witnesses who are disfellowshipped or who conscientiously choose to leave the Watchtower Organization.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

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50 comments on “Freedom go to hell

  • I think we need to look closer to home
    taxfree 15 dot org dot uk

  • You don’t believe the god that’s fine . But u are mother fucker u are FAG u believe the god u hate Christian and Muslim . U are seek asshole pice of sheet . U are moron the first time wen I see your video i see your eyes I now who u are . Now go fuck by your self .

  • Ok pat u can tel us your Email . We can chat privet. D. Duke.

  • squeezycheeseypeas

    February 7, 2011 at 8:21 am

    @telemetry9 yup and thankfully we are moving further away from them every day, it took centuries to get rid of public executions, flogging, discommunications, witch hunts, but we’ll finish the job soon enough and hopefully. The reality is that you’re confusing “christian values” with morality. I don’t believe for one moment that in the 100000 year history of the human (longer depending on your scientific opinion) we didn’t have morality, we couldn’t have developed a society without it

  • God is Love.

    “religion is for people who are afraid to go to hell – but spirituality is for those who have already been there.”

    Jesus was condemned by religion itself.

  • the society you live in and enjoy was built and is founded on christian values.

  • Thank you Pat for having the moral courage to speak out. I believe in God, but I know enough anyway to know that our freedoms (including the freedom to believe or not believe in God) are under attack from radical Muslims and the Left. I also feel sorry for the sensible and fair-minded Muslims (and there are many of them) who are tarred with the same nasty brush as these evildoers. Men and women of the world … it is time to stand up for freedom before we lose it. Time is running out.

  • Lanky,
    Quite simply, you are stating the obvious, but only the PC version. The other side of the obvious, is that these SAME muslims have little to say when some islamic moron issues a Fatwa against someone who has the stones to criticize islam, or when some family decides their daughter needs to be killed because she has become to “westernized”, since they moved to the west. Who are the REAL MUSLIMS? The ones who follow it in the book – or the ones who don’t?

  • I like Pat Condell, but i hope people know that not all Muslims are evil, and quoting from random passages from the Quran seems to stress the point that “!Muslims read it, therefore they do it immediantly!!” which is kinda silly, im not sure what kind of responce this will get, but knowing youtube, ill begin to regret voicing a reasonable (if stupid) opinion on the internet

  • How to win an argument against a moslem NOTICE IT IS NOT CAPITALIZED as its not worthy of a capital letter ,,,,, just ask this simple question

    What is the penalty for apostasy in the PEACEFUL religion of islam? Correct answer is DEATH! 100% of the time they will dance and not answer or call you a racist anything but answer just keep reposting the question in your response and they will go away and try their lies of peace on someone else

  • Girl, 14 – Executed for Rape
    A girl named Hena, age 14, was beaten to death by a local Sharia Committee at Shariatpur in the southern part of Bangladesh. The daughter of a poor farmer , Hena was forcefully abducted and raped on January 30, 2011 by a localm 40 yr. old muslim man.

  • Instead of taking any action against the rapist, the Muslim clergymen took Hena inside the Madrassa and locked her in a room. The following day, the same imam and some of members of the Sharia Committee in the village sat for a trial of Hena on charges of “immoral sexuality” before marriage. Later the committee decided to punish Hena with 200 lashes, and took financial penalty of only TK. 10,000 [US$ 150] from the rapist.

  • Sharia Law Committees are becoming influential in a number of Muslim nations. Although the committees are illegal under local laws, there has never been any action against such groups by any government:

    In Bangladesh, several hundred rural females fall victim to such rulings and lashings, as well to other forms of “Islamic Penalties,” as Shariah Law Committees become increasingly prevalent.
    >>> this is not exceptional in the third world.

  • You don’t have long to continue what you want to do; your old, you will be dead soon, maybe you’ll die of a stroke, while taping a video on YouTube; we may catch your death on YouTube. And I’ll say; “told you all, not to worry about that homosexual, demonic white old racist guy; he’s dead now, and in hell, now he’ll know he’s been tricked and used as a slave to sin and Satan all along; now time to spend all eternity of gnashing of teeth; with fire and brimstone; the truth hurts.

  • i ain’t no jew you sandape ! i don’t give a flying fuck what jews do ..if they erase all the palestinians i couldn’t care less !
    and euh .. keep throwing those stones to tanks … morons ! one day those jews will nuke you of the face of the planet .. and no one will even care ! i’m an atheist dork so spare me the hell and fire bull-shit .. nobody cares about that crap !

  • extremelypolite

    February 7, 2011 at 2:38 pm

    so you like what the Jews do specially under the walling wall

    why don’t you go hit that wall with your big head and watch your too long nose
    you are the morons who do the same thing even when your driving your cars! I wonder if it became a habit and all you say is i am a moron Jew
    who has nothing better to than hate and kill

    we Muslims have decided to save our stones for you Jews
    and we will also cut your hand off and shoot your head off as well one day soon
    go die

  • @extremelypolite Islam means peace and submission to God…. euh .. nope !
    islam means submission … period ! face down and on your knees !! slave !
    Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him. Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57) how peacefull is that !! you don’t even dare to question islam or the quran .. spineless morons !
    you are just a bunch of mindless slaves .. puppets of a retarded cult with ancient morals & rules .
    cut any hands off lately ? stoned some women ? lashings ? weirdo’s !

  • @extremelypolite The way you judge all jews is no different than how people treat islam, unlike islam though, not all jews are horrible people, many of them are wonderful people, just not the liberal ones. lols. And even they don’t deserve the genocide your people and religion attempts to commit against them.

  • @extremelypolite And I’ll take it you don’t notice the vast amount of information people can freely accses on the internet, I suppose with your religion information isn’t very important but you seem to be well educated to an extant anyway. I’m guessing that is mostly due to the internet. And it’s what allows you to attempt to back up you and your religion. Curing diseases, progressing scientific knowledge, yeah real evil and hateful. 😛 And Jesus died willingly, hm I wonder why…? 😛

  • @extremelypolite Hatred of islam exists because islam hates anyone who believes in freedom. Being born in the country I was born in, and living among the people I do, I believe everyone has the right to live as they please so long as they do not hurt or kill anyone in the process. The country lifestyle, and religion you were born into says everyone must follow the lifestyle of islam, or die. Sorry if that offends you, it’s just the way things are.

  • extremelypolite

    February 7, 2011 at 4:51 pm

    There is nothing I hate more than these things that Israel has made for the people to sit home and be lazy and accumulate fat and die sooner that their peers
    Israel doesn’t make things for the sake of humanity!it makes them for evil reasons
    Look at YouTube and Facebook,all full of hate against Islam
    and I am here only to fight back people like you who are full of hate against a religion!
    Jews who one day attempted to kill Jesus as they claim&killed your own messengers, Zacharia&Yahya

  • @extremelypolite If you’re enjoying the processor in your computer to spew your hate over the internet with you can thank israel for developing that. And if you’re enjoying the freedom and equality that allows you to say such stupid shit you can thank the jews for that because the idea of liberty and equality comes from Judeo-Christian background, something someone like you and your pig fucking prophet were unable to understand, and probably never will.

  • @extremelypolite Sorry to disappoint you I’m German/Italian, and I find myself questioning often why hitler hadn’t targeted the muslims instead of the jews. Too bad the jews existed small pox could have wiped us out, or millions of more japanese could have died / not been born as well as americans if the atomic bomb hadn’t been developed. And I will never submit to taking away any freedom of another man. Unless they believe their freedom allows them to rape, torture or murder another human.

  • extremelypolite

    February 7, 2011 at 6:36 pm

    if it people like you had not existed, the would would have been a better place

    Muslims like only to worship their God, when you Jew live to kill and destroy the world
    who is hateful now you scumbag piece of stepped on shit
    Islam means peace and submission to God
    not submission to evil like you Jews

  • “no one should have to choose between family and religion”

    Damn double moral!!

  • Bravo!
    I usually can’t be bothered reading Watchtower vomit, for the very reasons pointed out here. Although the double standard is well understood by any JW who reads this article, they are brainwashed to believe that they are justified in treating others the same way.
    Well my non JW Uncle is incensed by what he read in this Awake and is marching over to see my mother who has shunned me for changing my beliefs, to demand an explanation…..I am sure he will get a whopper!

  • JW”s is a CULT. They are so two faced. Sure, this makes it out like they are okay, but they are not. The men are not held accountable to anyone. They can rape women and it’s all okay with them. They are a sick group of people.

    I knew an ex-JW and she got ou and she was SHUNED by her friend and family that were in the JW’s.

    A true Christian does NOT SHUN someone for chaning his or her belief system.

  • .

    I found it unacceptable to disobey Jesus Christ.

    That is why I am no longer a Jehovah’s Witness!


  • God is love: Anyone who is captured will be run through with a sword. Their little children will be dashed to death right before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked and their wives raped by the attacking hordes. For I will stir up the Medes against Babylon, and no amount of silver or gold will buy them off. The attacking armies will shoot down the young people with arrows. They will have no mercy on helpless babies and will show no compassion for the children. Isaiah 13:15-18

  • “Disfellowshipping is not unbiblical,” neither is child abuse.

  • Disfellowshipping is not unbiblical, but should be applied for persistent, unrepentant immoral behaviour, not (for example) for not being able to believe that the Lord Jesus returned in 1847…

  • jasonbrianmerrill

    February 7, 2011 at 11:12 pm

    i have to say, ive seen alot of exjw vids and they are sensationalistic and exaggerated, but this one really objectively makes a point.


    i really dont understand how they can make this parallel so easily, when they indeed are guilty of the same thing and dont even address it in that article.

  • My parents are dyed-in-the-wool JW’s, and I am a former member. Their organization’s rules prohibit them from associating with me or even treating me kindly.

    I shared the above quote with them, and asked for their response. It was like pouring water on a duck’s back. They don’t want to defend or discuss their religion with a freethinker like me.

    I guess this Awake magazine quote won’t faze an old-timer but maybe it will help those having doubts and potential converts to see the hypocrisy.

  • Great video. Kudoz!
    Awake, p29: No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.
    This just cannot be a typo, or a mistake. There must be something in the making here. Great. Now I can leave with dignity and keep my family. What a relief that would be.

  • What a mess Martin Luther left behind..33.000 faiths as of 2009…all in contadiction with each other!! Its a deformation not a reformation.

  • Whoa ..hey ….hey Yo!!!!! I am assuming that “New Light” is here in the making for the Summer of July 2009. Actually…my version is “Extinguished Light” …which is darkness. Nice Video. the Exodus is on the way , alive and a kickin. Yeahhhhhhh

  • excellent vid!

  • Just another of the many teachings that don’t make sense if you think about them. The problem is that the Witnesses are taught to accept, not to think. All that “homework” they get just serves to distract them and guide their thoughts away from thinking on their own because the truth will make you free.

  • excellent vid

  • ExGileadMissionary

    February 8, 2011 at 2:54 am

    Terrıble illustration. Leaving JWs has nothing to do with robbing a bank. It has everythıng to do with recognizing untruths and following one’s conscience.

  • “All religions have consequences when members leave or rebel.” — Thankfully the others do not use these consequences when their members do something like eat birthday cake or give blood, or vote.

  • Welcome to the Orwellian world of the JW’s.

  • Can someone explain Proverbs 11:29. I’m looking for scriptures to show that biblically, disfellowshipping is wrong.

  • I’m a disfellowshipped JW, and wanted to know exactly the meaning of that scripture.

    Can you break down Proverbs 11:29 for me?

    Ido feel in my heart that this disfellowshipping thing is wrong, even when I was a witness, I didn’t completely stop talking to those who were. I’m trying to show my mom, how the “organization” does have wrong views according to the very bible they look at.

    Thanks in advance. But the hypocrisy is sickening.

  • Double talk on the part of Jehovah’s Witnesses, again.

  • Excellent video, thanks for posting it. While I agree with the comment that no one should be forced to stay in a religion they find unacceptable, for the watchtower to make it is so hypocritical.

  • Beware the false prophet!
    Well done video!
    5 Stars!

  • ExGileadMissionary

    February 8, 2011 at 5:57 am

    Just because your family shows intolerance of your decision to become a JW does not justify JWs intolerance of those who in good conscience decide to leave.

    Using your logic, Catholic’s wrong actions justify JWs wrong actions.

  • RifterX is right. You portray it as righteous for others to leave their religion to join yours but it is blasphemy to leave the WTBS. I spent 34 years as a Witness, I have lost everyone including my own children. God is love, He does not hate. You preach hatred of those who leave, I have read it in the Watchtower magazine.
    By the way-in all the 34 years I was a Witness, if you caught even watching a video like this you would have been counseled for listening to apostates.

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