Home » Freedom of Religion » If the US is all about freedom of religion, why wont courts in Michigan let Mulsim women in court?

If the US is all about freedom of religion, why wont courts in Michigan let Mulsim women in court?

Question by 2nd In Command to David: If the US is all about freedom of religion, why wont courts in Michigan let Mulsim women in court?
like they made a law saying, basically, that you have to take off the hijab in court. but if that’s their religion, isn’t that going against the freedom of religion act?

Best answer:

Answer by Dicken C
Because freedom of religion in the US means freedom for christians and jews.

Brutal answers here. The hijab doesn’t cover the face, mouth, etc. It only covers the hair.

You goofs are thinking about the burqa, which the asker didn’t mention.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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9 comments on “If the US is all about freedom of religion, why wont courts in Michigan let Mulsim women in court?

  • how_would_I_know

    July 10, 2011 at 6:13 am

    Nobody is preventing them from following their cult. They just can’t hide behind a mask in a court.

    Guess what, if I put on a halloween mask I wouldn’t be allowed in a court either.

  • Basically yes you are correct.

  • It is a matter of safety. How do they know what she is hiding under there?

  • Two Men Ought Not Lay Tagethar

    July 10, 2011 at 7:54 am

    I dont give a crap about their head veil being a religion thing. If your in court you respect the judge. Are you saying they hve the right to wear it when they get their mugshot taken too? If your in America there are certain things you have to follow with our laws. Im Christian–if I went out and started crusading against muslims because its my religon im sure there would be a problem there.

  • However, if the hijab is covering your mouth, THEN it’s a problem because no one, including jury can literally see your mouth moving when you speak. Being able to see someone’s mouth move while they are TESTIFYING in a court of law is a rational requisite. Also, how can anyone verify your identity in court if you are covering everything except your eyes?

  • ghost of hung hugely

    July 10, 2011 at 9:00 am

    Muslim women have the right to practice their religion.

    But as with other rights; their rights end where other people’s rights begin. The people in the court room; especially those which stand accused; have the right to verify the identity of the people in court. They cannot do so if they are covering their face or head.

    They can practice their religion but they cannot violate the rights of others while doing so.

  • Our security laws are not written to dis someone’s religion. However, they are not written to allow someone to wear garb that hides their identities and could conceal weapons or other possibly dangerous items. I am sure if I wanted to walk in with a trench coat on it would be disallowed.

    So, there really is no discrimination. No one is allowed to wear concealing clothing, not just Muslim women.

  • Barry Brezhnev

    July 10, 2011 at 10:04 am

    Does their religion say they have to wear the hajib? If so, then they have to leave their religion at the door. Separation of church and state doesn’t just apply to Protestantism and Catholicism.

  • Trust and Believe

    July 10, 2011 at 10:50 am

    If your “religion” poses a direct and identifiable threat to public safety, then no, you are not free to express yourself in that way. Common sense anyone?

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