Home » Freedom of Religion » sharia Islam Jihad Ex-muslim Confessions freedom of religion.flv

sharia Islam Jihad Ex-muslim Confessions freedom of religion.flv

@-EUROPE AMERICA] not one just of immigrant Muslim, should be more accepted: in Europe America, but all Muslims who do not have children? they must be deported to Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turk, etc. … [where is forbidden to be Christian, where hundreds of Christians are martyred: every day]. All Muslims have a duty to go, several times in their lives, from those criminals and murderers of racists, that are the slaveholders of Saudi Arabia of satanallah. Since this migration is designed by enlightened for destabilize by the “West”. but the criminal: ie King of Saudi Arabia, he believes, that this is a good time for him to spread Islam with the tools of always: the violence bloody of criminal Muslim. are the Muslim nations that must help others Muslims. the Jewish lobbies: of Satan, are working, Effectively, for the destruction of Christian civilization, in fact: the Saudi Arabia, with the His “Islamic International”, Their “Muslim brothers “, etc. .. They Have The imperialist project: for to conquer the world: ie the Islamic “satanAllah”that is: true, true Satanism. the weapon of the poor? Is The Population Bomb / Demographic weapon! That Islamic imperialism is a demon child (Such as Nazism and communism) That is in functional: at more projects of the Greater demon: of enlightened: ie the god Marduk & Babylon Talmud of NWO-IMF: 3rd WWnuclear. In fact, the Arab League, at first Which Was The active component in favor of Aggression Against Libya? has now
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Fireworks erupted on the set of ‘The View’ today when hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar left the set during an interview with Bill O’Reilly while discussing the proposed “Ground Zero mosque.” “The mosque down here on 9/11. That’s inappropriate,” O’Reilly said of the planned Islamic community center being built near the site of the former World Trade Center. “Sure, they have a right to do it,” he continued. “But it’s inappropriate because a lot of the 9/11 families who I know, say, ‘Look, we don’t want that.'” When Joy, Whoopi and the other ladies expressed their opposition to ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ star’s opinion, he attempted to shut them down. “Listen to me because you’ll learn,” he exclaimed, adding that he believes President Obama’s numbers are falling because of his unwillingness to comment on “the wisdom of” building the community center. “You’re saying that Americans are not smart enough to recognize that while it is part of our Constitution to say freedom of religion and freedom to worship and there were 70 families who are Muslim who also died in that building. So you’re saying that his saying that they have the right to do it and not saying anymore is why his approval ratings have gone down?” Goldberg questioned. The heated discussion went back and forth, but the blowout came after O’Reilly said “Muslims killed us on 9/11.” Goldberg and Behar attempted to specify that it was an extremist sect within Islam and not the religion itself that attacked the US When O
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 comments on “sharia Islam Jihad Ex-muslim Confessions freedom of religion.flv

  • Gleekforever123

    March 21, 2011 at 6:46 am

    NO! Muslims did not kill you on 9/11! – (My Mama and abuelita died on 9/11)
    Terrorists did! Being a Muslim and being a terrorist THERES A HUGE DIFFERNCE! God Is One!! people are corrupt! Allah doesnt say Kill people If You kill someone in islam! You automatically have left Islam!! Thats Allahs Law! Killing a innocent is like killing the whole of humanity!….Thats What Muslims Believe!

    Yh i wear jeans
    i party
    im a cheerleader

    i am a American Muslim and PROUD!! Alhumdulilah

  • @domburton loooool XD what a stupid little kid im a muslim teenage girl and no we dont islam is all about peace and harmony learn more about it what happened was they was muslim extremist there not true muslims there r terriorists in all religons

    Ok, no problem, give me a day or two to collate my posts and put them in mailbox form… cheers

  • @TheElectrish I am trying to respond to all your posts, but it is a big pain in the ass on my computer for some reason. I sent a mail to your inbox. Care to respond there?
    I am glad you brought up the condoms thing. For one thing, the Church never “condemned” condoms. Thye merely cited a WHO study which showed that countries pushing abstinence/monogamy had more success controlling the spread of AIDS. Condoms are only 90% effective. It is on the condom label.

  • @TheElectrish 25% of sub Saharan AIDS get victims get their ONLY help from the Catholic church. The Catholic Church was Gallileo’s sponsor for his entire scientific career. The Catholic Church freed Spain from oppressive Muslim rule in the 14th century.
    I chose those three things in an attempt to demonstrate that no good deed goes unpunished, does it? Just ask Jesus Christ if you have any doubt about that.

  • @TheElectrish Bias in favor of relativism/free market? Two friends of mine have a contest. They race through the Sunday New York times looking for the first story about the Holocaust. Winner calls loser and mocks him. Thye have been doing this since 1985. Sick I know, but I hope it illustrates my point that it has NOTHING to do with a free market.

  • @JEJMDTD Oh, what is the reason for the biased, ignorant pernicious bias IYHO?

  • @JEJMDTD BTW If I wanted to be ‘controversial’ then I’d suggest that the condemnation of condoms in AIDS riddled countries actually helps humanity in a (ironically?) Darwinian way.
    I think it’s important to distinguish between antiCath, antiXn, and antifundielunatic (e.g. Fred Phelps), biases in the media cos I think the media hates the loonies most, Caths less, and other Prots less again. Recent Anti-cath bias most evident in ‘pedo priest’ coverage, although it’s more visible in earlier 20thC.

  • @JEJMDTD The ‘hypodermic’ model of media effects was abandoned a long time ago. It’s not a good model for the media/audience relationship.
    Re: media bias anti-Cath see: Philip Jenkins.
    3 things: Rene Descartes, Blaise Pascal, Michel de Certeau. All great men, all very Catholic (although Pascal was a Jansenist, if that distinction is important to you). Sure, they’re individuals and not institutions but inst’ns are hollow and impotent without individuals. Helped humanity a lot. Your three?

  • @JEJMDTD I understand that you’re arguing that it’s a virulent anti-Xn bias. I counter that it’s a bias in favour of relativism/free market and therefore any ideology that posits moral certainty is anathema. The absence of reporting that incident doesn’t prove that claim because it deals with omissions and arguments from ignorance. I propose that media doesn’t need to be sold & should be thought of as a public good. Tab’isation is a severe threat to the public ‘cos it disables discourse re bias

    Yes, if we want to make blanket statements about the media then content analysis is the right methodology. Sure, you can do a qualitative analysis of The View, or even just this excerpt, but you can’t use it to generalise about the media (although you could use it in conjunction with someone else’s content analysis and bring that into discussion).
    No, I don’t think what I’m saying hints that these events do not deserve coverage. There must have been some too important scoop about Lohan

  • @TheElectrish Content analysis? This videoabout sums up media portrayals of Western outrage at the perpetual war that Islam wages on us. O’Reilly said nothing that was not factually correct. However, by even mentioning the facts, it caused hysterical, oppressive measures by leading members of the meda. Joy and Whoopi walked off the set, rather than discuss it.
    So Xtian murders at the hands of fundamentalist Muslims does not merit coverage?

  • @TheElectrish I am glad you agree that mass media is biased. However you do not seem to recognize my primary contention of a virulent anti-Xtian bias. I think I proved that by the fact I can cite Xtians being murdered and no one (mass media wise) covered or condemned the murders. I appreciate the need to sell media, and with your comments on tabloidization. However, I do not think THAT is the reason for such biased, ignorant pernicious bias.

  • @TheElectrish You do not think that the media plants images in people’s minds, or you do not think it has planted an image in your mind? The nasty things you said about Catholicism sure sound like they are right out of the mass media playbook.
    So, just for laughs, can you name 3 things that the Catholic Church has done that has helped humanity?

  • Islam wants to dominate the world, and 9/11 was just part of that ideology. They want to kill the West. Simple. Go Bill. You are spot on.

  • @JEJMDTD So, I think the main challenge that Islam poses is not to Xnty (as it could appear on the surface) but to ideas like multiculturalism and cultural relativism. How can we respect BS that says that we should not be respected because we merely accommodate rather than submit?
    When you say the media supports ‘them’, who? Terrorists? Cultural relativists? Particular demoninations (sic) of Islam?
    I think it tends to support relativism and this is where the breakdown occurs. Response? 🙂

  • @JEJMDTD 3. This might seem like semantics but it’s an important distinction to me – any linguistic construct that postulates not only what is, but what one ought to do, that is, both descriptive and prescriptive, has the capacity to lead to intolerance and fascism. So, I think Islam can be characterised in this way but so can pretty much any BS, so it’s pertinent to ask whether that’s the most productive way of thinking about it, or whether it disguises the distinct threats made to freedom…

    2. I think the mosque situation could have been handled a lot better on both sides, and the media played both sides to maximum effect. I think people who think it’s being done to taunt Americans and claim victory over Xnty are paranoid, but I’ve got no problem with people uniting and saying, ‘not in our neighbourhood’. It’s not a petition I’d sign but I wouldn’t be signing the ‘in our neighbourhood, please’ petition either.

  • @JEJMDTD In terms of mischaracterising Westerners, even if it’s true, then there’s a market-based rationale that can be explained through the prism of tabloidisation – It makes people watch, even if it outrages. I’m not an apologist for the massmedia, and think that it shouldn’t have been transformed into a market based service. Further, given we’re able to communicate on the net we’re in the best position we’ve ever been in to disseminate information and exchange ideas.

  • @JEJMDTD As for whether the media portrays Westerners as intolerant? We’d really need to do a content analysis in order to substantiate that. Suffice to say, tabloidisation prevents appropriate seriousness being given to events, and serious events that can’t be tabloidised from being given much coverage. I think that is why you hear so little about the death of Catholics – (in what I assume is, largely, Africa?) I don’t believe it’s a deliberate anti-Cath strategy though.

    1. Yes, I agree that mass media is biased, although its biases are multiple and contradictory because the mass media is a large number (albeit shrinking) of competing voices that need to market viewers to advertisers. I think the primary problem with it is ‘tabloidisation’, however, and not bias. Bias is perhaps ineradicable but tabloidisation is a particular ‘entertainment-first’ sort of rhetoric that nullifies the meaning of the news that is delivered (and nevermind what is not)…

  • @JEJMDTD Ok sure, but can we break it down a little? I think your arguments can be divided in the following way:
    1. Mass Media is biased.
    2. (Implied) Ground center mosque is inappropriate.
    3. Islam is an intolerant, fascist belief system; but media bias finds in favour of their BS (belief system or bullshit, you decide). I’m not sure whether it’s Islam or the media that you’re claiming is remorseless but I’m not sure that your argument hinges upon that qualifier anyway.
    I’ll address each now…

  • @JEJMDTD Yeah, I think it’s fun to grapple over things because it gives us a picture of our humanity. Granted, I concede that sport can offer a similar picture for people but it’s never quite caught my attention.

    I disagree with your image of me. For a start, I reject the notion that images can be put into ppl’s minds period. My understanding of communication supports my view. Further, I actually know the Bible pretty well, and know many xns. Anyway, let’s stay on track about the media for now

  • @TheElectrish I think I built my case. We are inundated with the media portraying Westerners as intolerant because of peaceful, legal objections to a mosque being built in the shadow of the former WTC. Yet not a peep from the media over hundreds of Catholics being murdered worldwide for the grievous sin of celebrating Christmas.
    It is readily apparent that Islam is an intolerant, fascist belief sysytem, the media supports them, and they are remorseless. What is your argument?

  • @TheElectrish Well, I guess some people consider arguing over youtube a pointless waste of time. Fuck them, it’s fun and easy.
    As to my funny references, I find that I get more responses when I throw those types of things in. Sex sells.
    I think my reference to you being penetrated is valid. I think you have had an image put into your mind of what the Church is, and it has been repeated ad nauseum until you believe it.

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