Home » Income Tax » America:Freedom to Fascism

America:Freedom to Fascism

Aaron Russo’s final film is his warning to the world about the evolution of the United States of America into a fascist state. Starting with his discovery of the unlawfulness of the income tax, Aaron covers the elite class crimes against the common culture and warns against the potential slave state future.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 comments on “America:Freedom to Fascism

  • Only out of a caring heart did I profess the scriptures to help give credence to a higher wisdom that some will find solace and peace of mind, knowing that not all has been lost, but on the contrary, a belief that there is something better . Out of this wisdom, it is easy to see that the war between good and evil will continue with Satan knowing he has but a little time left, and will twist the truth into a lie.

    “He who defends himself offensively is most likely guilty”

  • @Acecool444
    Which is strange comming from someone who has “stupid” and “evil” and “nonsensical” beliefs uh?.

    The whole purpose of christinaity is a human sacrifice to ammend for the screw ups of an omnipotent and all knowing God, that somehow took him 6 days and had to rest to create the world. So much for an “intelligent” God uh?.

    What sin did Adam and Eve commited that we must carry and our children must carry?.

  • @Acecool444
    “accept you”?.

    Then threaten people?.

    You leak arrogance on every word. It you want people to accept “your” beliefs better get some evidence.

    Otherwise you can shove your threats in those inconspicuous places.

    If you want people to understand you, first you must never insult their beliefs. And second you must never threaten them of what will happen if they don’t.

    That’s just desperation.

    Want me to disprove Christianity?. I can do so very easily…

  • @biospharms “Isnt there a passage that says tell them a few time than kick the dust off your shoes and move on.”

    Yes, and off the top of my head, “If they do not accept you, then wipe the dust off your feet, as it will be worse for them than Sodom and Gomorrah.”, but I’m sure I left out a few words. It can be found at Mathhew 10:9-15 😉

    I took 4 years of Horticulture, Plant Science and Nursery/Park Management in High School. I LOVED IT! I also spent a few years working as a Landscaper. 😉

  • @Acecool444, Keep truthin brother. Dont let anyone tie you up too long in their disbelief. Isnt there a passage that says tell them a few time than kick the dust off your shoes and move on. Help those that the spirit is leading to you. forget the others. In the book of mathew it says our job is only to cast the seeds.

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  • @Acecool444
    There is no such thing as a denounced question from the get go.
    You provided no proof whatsoever, yet claim you did.

    By comparing me to the Pharisees you’re saying I deserve to go to Hell… so much for not judging eh?.

    And I bet you don’t even know what the Pharisees asked Jesus. How they didn’t believe, making possessed pigs jump of a cliff, torturing poor animals was divine.

    I wouldn’t have either, and would have called Jesus evil, if he did. Thankfully there is no evidence.

  • @Acecool444
    “said you were evil or stupid!”
    You never said I was evil or stupid, you said my beliefs were.

    Which is my point. I don’t really care if someone insults my beliefs, I do care when someone insults them, and then pretends everyone to shut up about their nonsense.

    You don’t deserve respect if you fail to provide it for others. It’s simple as that.
    You can insult me or my beliefs all you want I honestly don’t care… just don’t expect me or anyone else to stand idle.

  • For anyone who would like to know “The Basics” for information regarding “IS THERE A GOD”, just do a search and you’ll see some pretty convincing evidence.

    The perfection of the universe didn’t just happen by chance so that evil would prevail. Much like a cancer on your skin, Evil will eventually be removed all together and discarded!

    Man is his own worst enemy, History of War, Death, Pain, Suffering and Destruction! These things shall also pass away!

  • @Acecool444
    You should read the comment section, and see for yourself.

    All you mentioned and kept mentioning is how your religion is the only true religion, that the others are false. That those who don’t believe in your God are decited by lucifer.

    You know what offensive people write?:
    ” but to say God now has no intelligence is too far out of the ball park for me!”
    “Sleep deprivation? Crack Cocaine? Crystal Meth? ”

    Offensive people insult beliefs because they don’t understand them.

  • @bluesrockfan36 “…calmly” Change that to anger!

    “Spout” “nonsense” “rambling” “self centered dogmatic ass” = OFFENSIVE

    You also lie! I Never! said you were evil or stupid!

    I rest my case!

  • @Acecool444
    I don’t really care about my beliefs being insulted.

    Since again, I’m quite open minded, I changed my beliefs way too many times (used to be a Christian for instance), so I know I’m not entirely right.

    But, the fact that you’re arrogant enough to demand respect after insulting people, and basically claiming how you’d rather burn the world around you, if it doesn’t bow to what *you* believe to be correct.

    It’s unnerving.

  • @bluesrockfan36
    You ask questions much like the pharisees, knowing you would denounce them from the get go, and then wanting proof. Regardless of what proof I give, goes completely disregarded and you just go to other topics. So in essence, your just wasting my time and doing your best to make God non-existent or without the capability of thought. For this reason, it does no good to continue!

    YOU have your belief, and I have mine! and I don’t like wasting my time with offensive people!

  • @Acecool444
    I don’t really care about my beliefs being insulted.

    Since again, I’m quite open minded, I changed my beliefs way too many times (used to be a Christian for instance), so I know I’m not entirely right.

    But, the fact that you’re arrogant enough to demand respect after insulting people, and basically claiming how you’d rather burn the world around you, if it doesn’t bow to what *you* believe to be correct.

    It’s unnerving.

  • @Acecool444
    I don’t really care about my beliefs being insulted.

    Since again, I’m quite open minded, I changed my beliefs way too many times (used to be a Christian for instance), so I know I’m not entirely right.

    But, the fact that you’re arrogant enough to demand respect after insulting people, and basically claiming how you’d rather burn the world around you, if it doesn’t bow to what *you* believe to be correct.

    It’s unnerving.

  • @Acecool444
    I don’t really care about my beliefs being insulted.

    Since again, I’m quite open minded, I changed my beliefs way too many times (used to be a Christian for instance), so I know I’m not entirely right.

    But, the fact that you’re arrogant enough to demand respect after insulting people, and basically claiming how you’d rather burn the world around you, if it doesn’t bow to what *you* believe to be correct.

    It’s unnerving.

  • @Acecool444
    I don’t really care about my beliefs being insulted.

    Since again, I’m quite open minded, I changed my beliefs way too many times (used to be a Christian for instance), so I know I’m not entirely right.

    But, the fact that you’re arrogant enough to demand respect after insulting people, and basically claiming how you’d rather burn the world around you, if it doesn’t bow to what *you* believe to be correct.

    It’s unnerving.

  • @Acecool444
    I don’t really care about my beliefs being insulted.

    Since again, I’m quite open minded, I changed my beliefs way too many times (used to be a Christian for instance), so I know I’m not entirely right.

    But, the fact that you’re arrogant enough to demand respect after insulting people, and basically claiming how you’d rather burn the world around you, if it doesn’t bow to what *you* believe to be correct.

    It’s unnerving.

  • @Acecool444
    I sat down calmly and watch you spout biblical nonsense over and over, you kept rambling about the God you believed in, I never said anything.

    Then I told you the God that I believe in, and you jumped, you said you were offended, that my views are evil and stupid.

    You honestly expect me to sit by, and let you insult me… and *then* demand respect?.

    That’s your idea of respect?. Insulting people’s beliefs because they’re different?.

    You’re just a self centered dogmatic ass.

  • @bluesrockfan36 Nobody said anything about your questioning my faith., it’s the way you go about it. Had you shown the same respect I showed you, We could have gone on indefinitely (figure of speech). As I’ve already pointed out, You already have your formed opinions and it would be futile to continue any further. Questioning is one thing, but to mock them is another. The wisdom laid out in the scriptures basically tell me, Not to cast what is holy before the dogs, so I have no choice really.

  • @Acecool444
    Respect is a two way street.

    Professor Grayling expouses this point more clearly with a cartoon:
    There’s a priest branding with fire a poor guy, calling him abortionist, homosexual, sinner. The guy get’s fed up, and grabs the iron.
    Then the priest conviniently asks for “respect”.

    You cannot make unfounded claims that involves everyone, call peopel’s beliefs stupid, and pretend them to “respect” you.

    I’m forced to show the ugly side of your religion when you do that.

  • @Acecool444
    ” it can cause severe atmospheric problems”
    We’re allready having severe atmospheric problems, so that’s a rational response.

    If you don’t want me to question your faith, then you should keep it to yourself. Because the moment you make a claim that involves not only you, your beliefs but mine as well, and everyone’s… the moment you say to yourself that you’re right, and *my* beliefs are wrong or blasphemous.

    Beliefs have to be questioned.

  • Please do not ask me anymore about my beliefs, God, Religion. I only responded to prove, that for every rebuttal you gave, there are true historical accounts and more and more scientific proof, proving that much of what took account is actually true. Now realizing, regardless of what I say, You are and always will be opposed.

    To think the entire universe just happened by mere chance is also not my belief.

  • OK, I found it, “Call it coincidence if you will, but it seems pretty strange that 2012 planet line up can now be added to the mix of our worlds present day problems.”

    That was merely a response to where I figured you commented on a solar storm.

    No! I do not believe in a planet line up, planet x or a comet!

    What I do believe is, that if WWIII and Nuclear Holocaust happens as a result, it can cause severe atmospheric problems that will block out the sun, and a host of terrible disasters.

  • @bluesrockfan36 “”2012 planet line up””

    “What line up?. Mercury, Venus and Saturn will “sorta” line up, far from a perfect planetary alingment.”

    I do not believe it was me your are referring to about a 2012 Planet line up. And if I did, it was not a prediction, but merely a response to someone (possibly you) on the topic. The truth is, I know nothing about it. It could have been my comment on “The Day The Dollar Died” or a biblical scripture passage Rev. 20:12

    Want proof? Read the bible!

  • @Acecool444
    “they do not have the heart to understand”
    Yet God created them with that heart, it makes no sense. Why would he intentionally inflict pain upon someone that way?.

    “You have hardened your heart toward God”
    No I haven’t, if anyone can prove to me that God is real, not the God they have in their head, I believe it.

    I like to keep my beliefs as close to reality as possible, the only possible way to do this, is to demand facts and evidence out of claims made by people.

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