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Ways that the Constitution helps protect our rights?

Question by : Ways that the Constitution helps protect our rights?

Best answer:

Answer by Scott Evil
Well, the Constitution doesn’t actually protect anything, as it’s just a piece of paper. It is up to the American government to see to it that they’re actually enforced. If people choose to ignore it, then the Constitution is meaningless. A popular amendment in the Bill of Rights is the 4th one. That says that if the police ever search your things illegally, then nothing they find can be used against you.

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2 comments on “Ways that the Constitution helps protect our rights?

  • Due process of laws:
    Right of the writ of Habeas Corpus > to have or produce the body of evidence* > protects you of being arrested for no reason
    Right to a speedy public trial in case of accusation of a crime before an impartial jury at the place of commission of the crime > (extradited, criminal fled to another state, brought back to be prosecuted in state of crime)
    Right to grand jury indictment before trial for a crime, and to be confronted with witnesses, and to have the compulsory process to obtain witnesses and the assistance of counsel to establish innocence > At a jury trial you have the right to have witnesses to prove you are guilty and a lawyer has to represent you
    Protection against unreasonable searches and seizures > warrant > must be specific
    Protection against self-incrimination in any trail or giving of testimony > pleading the 5th amendment > can’t be forced to answer question if makes you look guilty (could refuse the breathalyzer)
    Protection against being twice placed in jeopardy of life or limb of crime > double jeopardy, if you are found innocent for a crime you cannot be retried for same cause
    Protection against cruel and unusual punishments and excessive bail > debatable
    Right to trial by jury in civil cases > someone wants to sue you, could have a jury to hear you
    Protection against being deprived of life, liberty, property without due process of law > sums it up

  • God protects the constitution.

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