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What do you think of this…?

By Rick Roberts
I want Conservatives and Christians to NOT give to charities this Christmas. That’s right! I want Conservatives and Christians to stop donating… but with ONE exception:Anything to help the military is fine!I’ve given this a lot of thought, and I believe that the right thing to do this Christmas is NOT to give…Don’t give to Father Joe. Don’t give to the Salvation Army. Don’t give to homeless shelters. Just don’t give. Now, many of you may already be cutting back on your giving this year… And you maybe feeling guilty about it.But I’m here to tell you… DROP THE GUILT. You ARE doing the right thing by not giving. Do not feel guilty about keeping your money for you and yours.Now, here’s why I’m asking Christians and Conservatives NOT to give this holiday:I’m just trying to wake people up. I’m not trying to be mean, or heartless, or cruel. I’m just trying to get people to open their eyes. When you get hit up for charities this Christmas Season, MOST of that money goes into either:A) The pockets of people who run the charities, or:B) Drug addicts and deadbeats on welfare who have done nothing to contribute to their own lives, let alone society.When you think of that bell ringing outside the department store, I want you to think of the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrificed everything for your freedom…And think of all those men and women coming home without limbs, with shrapnel in their bodies who have seen their friends die in the battlefield.And then I want you to compare that sacrifice to the bum sitting on the roadside. I want you to think of Rosie O’Donnell, Sean Penn, and all the other pompous Hollywood actors who call you names just for being a conservative. You know, the ones who slam our troops at every opportunity. The ones who accuse them of evil. The ones who accuse President Bush of being Hitler and accuse our troops of committing genocide and random acts of violence. My take on giving is this: Give to those who have actually done something for this country and NOT to the ingrates who are nothing more than a leech on our great nation.And if that, for whatever reason, just doesn’t make sense to you, how about this:GIVE TO YOUR OWN FAMILY. The economy is a drag. People are down on their luck. But not everyone gives up and buries their sorrows in a bottle. Some people actually work harder, try harder, study harder… Give to these people. Help those who are trying to help themselves.Besides… Obama will soon come to the welfare crowd’s defense. Which brings me to my third reason not to give to charities this holiday season: Politics.You are going to wish you kept some of your money for yourself and your loved ones come tax season. That’s when our new President’s uber-welfare state is going to kick in…So you may as well start an Obama savings account now so that the welfare mom can have her new plasma TV.If you need another reason why Christians and Conservatives should stop giving, here it is:I’ve had ENOUGH. Haven’t you?I’ve had enough of the liberals and their name-calling.I’ve had enough of the attacks on churches, Mormon temples and Jewish Synagogues. I’ve had enough of their hatred and spouting that our God doesn’t exist.Did you know that – even though liberal families’ income averages 6% higher than that of conservative families – conservative households give, on average, 30% more to charity than the household of the opposite politcal belief?• That’s $1,600 per year vs. $1,227.• Conservatives also donate more time and give more blood. • Residents of the states that voted for John Kerry in 2004 gave smaller percentages of their incomes to charity than did residents of states that voted for George Bush. • Bush carried 24 of the 25 states where charitable giving was above average. • In the 10 reddest states, in which Bush got more than 60 percent majorities, the average percentage of personal income donated to charity was 3.5. Residents of the bluest states, which gave Bush less than 40 percent, donated just 1.9 percent.• People who reject the idea that “government has a responsibility to reduce income inequality” give an average of four times more than people who accept that proposition. • And another good example of liberalism… In 2000 Vice President Al Gore’s charitable contributions, as a percentage of his income, were below the national average: He gave 0.2 percent of his family income, one-seventh of the average for donating households. But Gore “gave at the office.” He said he used his public office to give other peoples’ money to government programs and therefore he was being “charitable.” If Barack Obama wants to spread the wealth around, he needs to start digging in the pockets of the liberals. We’ve got to even out the playing field.Conservatives MUST stop being suckers. Seriously, just stop!Obama and the liberals need to start throwing all their support behind the drug addicts and bums on the street.Want to know where MY m

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3 comments on “What do you think of this…?

  • do you agree with rick roberts or are you against it? i think that is stupid though. there are a lot of conservative that make donations but of course to republican party stuff and of course the military. anyways look at all the liberal celebrities that make…..donations!

  • Way too long to be bothered…but I really hope that your venting made you feel better. I can only say I really hope that you are never down on your luck..never needing someones hand up and be met by someone else like you. It is easy to sit high on a box and have such strong opinions but if your box gets wet and you fall…so help you…I say leave you in the streets, leave your kids needing to be fed to go hungry…because after all that would be the RIGHT thing to do wouldnt it.

  • Do uou have any idea how many homeless VETERANS there are? I feel sorry for you, that you have become so jaded as to be unable to see the fallacy in your own rhetoric. Why does it have to be that liberals are demonic and conservatives angellic? I am so tired of this disparity between Americans, which is what we are. We think different, it’s a thing of beauty. Screw the two-party system. Also, you can thank Bill Clinton (a liberal) for lowering the number of people on welfare to its lowest point in thirty years during his presidency. Your rant is exactly what makes me sad about the state of the union: Me, mine, to hell with everyone else, as long as i have what i need. Well, how about this. I respect your beliefs, but do not adhere to your doctrine. I wish for the true light of God to shine on your heart. Make it a little less black.

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