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Conservatives is FREEDOM for Everyone or just for those who agree with you?

Question by Gene Rodenberry: Conservatives is FREEDOM for Everyone or just for those who agree with you?
Conservatives Claim to LOVE Freedom but when it comes to religion and American Born citizenship they want to change things.

I guess when they talk about Freedom that apply to some Americans but not others

Conservatives is FREEDOM for Everyone or just for those who agree with you?

Best answer:

Answer by FreetobeFree
It’s for everyone.

However freedom doesn’t mean:
– Coming to America illegally
– Nationalized Insurance (I refuse to say Healthcare)
– Taking away the rights of states
– Being able to kill your baby
– Going off to other countries to wreck havoc

Edit: Godless Heathen- I’m not white. So what are you trying to say?

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What would it take for Republicans/Conservatives to agree that Obama is good on National Security?

Question by Griggnax: What would it take for Republicans/Conservatives to agree that Obama is good on National Security?
I’ve seen so many posts here that slam Obama as being weak on National Security, as being a pacifist, etc., that I’m wondering, what does he have to do to make you think otherwise?

Finally capturing or killing Bin Laden?
Stopping a high-profile attack on the homeland?
Something else?

And if something like that were to happen, would you give Obama the credit, or Bush?

Best answer:

Answer by Freedom Guy
let’s see:
– not attacking gun rights
– not releasing terrorists
– sealing the border
– maintaining order in iraq
– keeping iran from getting nukes
– responding with vigor to hamas, etc
– keeping bush’s 7 year streak of no attacks at home alive
– not weakening out military by allowing gays to serve openly

BTW, Bin Laden is a figure head and nothing more. I’d like to capture him, try him and kill him…. but that won’t stop the march of radical islam will continue to kill free people. only ignorant liberals believe this to be true. so, security-wise capturing bin laden means nothing.

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