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Conservatives: where does it say in the constitution that business enterprise has the same rights as a citizen?

because that’s what every corporation is allowed to do here: if one forms a corporation, than that corporation, for legal purposes, can act as a citizen.

now where is that protected in the constitution? or is this more typical capitalist/conservative vitriol in adding stuff to the constitution that isn’t there?
@anthony: but at the same token, the government can’t just grant citizenship to non-living entities.
@mark: it’s a private institution, they can give aid to whoever they feel, if it’s non-profit.

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Constitution Lecture 9: Separation of Church and State

The meaning of separation of church and state, as described in the First Amendment.

Constitution Preamble – Schoolhouse Rock


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If Rand Paul says the Federal govt should adhere strictly to US Constitution, why’s he against 14th Amendment?

Look at this:

I can understand being against “anchor babies”.

However, how can one claim to be a strict Constitutionalist, and then contradict something explicit in the US Constitution?

Changing the Constitution

Changing the Constitution
If you could change just one thing in the Constitution – what would you change? What would make Australia a better country?

Read more on Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Presidents & Congress Ignoring the Constitution – Judge Napolitano

Is the government we have today what the founders had in mind? Everyone in government takes an oath to uphold the Constitution, but few do so. Beginning with John Adams, and proceeding to Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, and George W. Bush, congress has enacted and the President has signed laws that have criminalized political speech, suspended Habeas Corpus, compelled support for war, forbade the freedom of contract, allowed the government to spy on Americans without a search warrant, and use tax payer dollars to shore up failing private banks. All of this legislation is so obviously in conflict with the plain words of the Constitution, that one wonders how Congress gets away with it. The truth is, that the Constitution grants Congress 17 specific delegated powers, and commands in the 9th and 10th Amendments, that the powers not articulated and thus not delegated by the Constitution to the Congress, must be reserved to the states and the people. What’s more, Congress can only use it’s delegated powers to legislate for what we call the general welfare. Meaning it cannot spend tax dollars on individuals or selected groups, but only for all of us. And, Congress cannot deny the equal protection of the laws, thus, it must treat similarly situated entities in a similar manner. It is clear that the framers wrote a constitution, as a result of which, contracts would be enforced, risk would be real, choices would be free and have consequences, and private property would be

Latest The Constitution Auctions

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Latest The Constitution Auctions

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