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Q&A: How many countries use a Constitution written centuries ago without updating into new ones?

Question by Nancy Pelosi 2016: How many countries use a Constitution written centuries ago without updating into new ones?
The more I think about it, the more it seems that the gridlock in government is due to the system itself.
We need a new and more modern Constitution, with modern values.

Best answer:

Answer by Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
You mean to tell me liberty is too old fashioned and outdated?

I couldn’t tell at first, just from your name but after reading this, I’ve concluded that you must be trolling. There’s just no other explanation.

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Q&A: Do the American scam religions exploit with impunity the freedom of religion laws in various countries?

Question by Desiree: Do the American scam religions exploit with impunity the freedom of religion laws in various countries?
Do you think when the founders of different countries made their constitutions or codes of ethics regarding religion, they never realized that American scam religions would eventually be concocted and spread around the world like cancer, targeting vulnerable people and doing so in full compliance with the law? Do you think if they were aware of this, they would have done something to prevent it? Like, would they have written, “People have freedom of religion except for American scam religions which are hereby outlawed”? And everybody knows which religions are American scam religions, right?

Best answer:

Answer by No Chance Without Jesus
No one exploits it more than the democratic party.

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What are some countries today that dont have religious freedom? Why is freedom of religion important?

Question by bananas_rool1214: What are some countries today that dont have religious freedom? Why is freedom of religion important?
What is the history of freedom of religion in the u.s?

Best answer:

Answer by aresee
I can’t answer the first part to your question but as to the second part. I don’t know what religion you are, but whatever you are, would you like to be told you can’t follow it? Freedom of choice is one of the most important things in life. And at this time of year, we have to remember and be grateful to so many who gave their lives so that we have that freedom.

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Could legalizing gay marriage cause a moderate risk to national security? In which countries?

Question by Scyllis: Could legalizing gay marriage cause a moderate risk to national security? In which countries?
Afghanistan is obviously the most obvious one, where the civil govt is unstable and only has tenous contro, with a lot of its support built on popularity– any other examples where such an act would estrange the gov’t from a segment of the population so much as to jeopardize a country’s national security interests?

Best answer:

Answer by vinny_says_relax
Theres no such thing as gay marriage.

Marriage is a man and a woman…If they allow gays to marry because they ‘love’ each other then you also have to allow brothers and sisters who love each other, someone who loves their dog can marry it, marry their mother as well, pervert it all they want.

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