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Why do liberals think that American freedom of religion applies to religions other than Christianity?

Question by : Why do liberals think that American freedom of religion applies to religions other than Christianity?
When the first Amendment said congress could not establish a religion it meant it couldn’t establish a specific kind of Christianity.

Why are “educated” liberals too stupid to realize that this is one time we ignore both the actual words of the Constitution and the “original intent” since niether actually agree with what typical conservatives agree with?

Best answer:

Answer by bi-polar-itical
and they think the GOD mentioned is the christian GOD. it is a generic term.

What do you think? Answer below!

Is it Freedom of religion or freedom to dictate other religions and beliefs?

Question by Jeffrey B: Is it Freedom of religion or freedom to dictate other religions and beliefs?
We see this allot. I personally think it is out of hand now. If someone expresses their religion in or at a public place or if a memorial is set up and that shows a cross why are people taking offense to this? I was brought up that if you see something you do not like ignore, or avoid it and move on. I was told that was my right. Now you see people getting sued all the time because they do not want people to publicly practice their religion.

Best answer:

Answer by kaganate
In these cases the specifics are very important —
The key is the consitutional structure of “religious freedom” which has two parts:
Government can not prevent people from practicing a religion or establish an official religion. So – to relate it to some real cases:
A school ball team has a prayer “in the huddle” — this feels like an imposition of religion from above (kids pressured into praying by a school official)
But on the other hand – if a single football player prays before the game – this is protected religious worship.
Or — memorials – a town builds a memorial with an overal religious symbol on it – the implication is that this is a message of an official town religion — Government establishing a religion — a no-no
Conversely – private businesses in the town putting up the same religious symbol on their property – that’s free practice and protected.

As an overal rule, imagine if the symbol was of a religion you are uncomfortible with — would you feel pressured?
So – for a last example – people may not notice anything wrong with a Christian motto on school jackets. So then – would the same folks be as comfortible if the school uniform included a Hijab?

What do you think? Answer below!

Psalms of David: Parent of monotheistic religions

Psalms of David: Parent of monotheistic religions

Psalms of David are the parents of all the three monotheistic religions. It is the forefather of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It is the sources and backbone of the Torah, the Law, the Gospel and the Qur’an.

It is among the first written revelations sent to mankind. It is prescribes exactly the same concepts and ideas. The same prescriptions and the same commandments revealed in the three divine religions. It deals with man’s foremost and essential purpose of existence. It tells us about the structure of the human self. It informs us about good and evil. It informs us about the freedom of will and freedom of choice every human being has. It informs us about the path of evil and path of good. It informs us precisely about the consequences of those who take the path of evil and of those take the path of good.

It informs us manifestly and succinctly about the destiny of the wicked and the destiny of those who are good. It tells us the nature of sin and who are the sinners. It tells us about the nature of what is good and those who are good and perform good actions.

It tells us about the finality of those who do evil and those who do good. It draws out a precise finality for the wicked and for the good. It tells us about a day of judgment. It informs us about the final judgment where every human being shall have to account for his. Or her, own deeds. It prescribes the first and final

Objective of mankind. It informs us about the definite end of humans, namely a day of judgment.

It informs us about destiny of those who are sinners and are wicked. It informs us about the destiny of those who are good. It draws a precise comparative distinction between the wicked and the good. It predicts the destiny prescribed for those who are sinners and those who do good.


It creates a principle  and only two-fold classification of mankind. No third classification exists. Only two categories of humans there are: the evil and the good.

It tells us about the nature and form of what consequences these two categories of persons shall endure and shall suffer. It advances the ideas of ‘punishment’ and ‘destruction’ for those who are wicked and sinners. It advances the idea of the reward of those who shun the wicked and do not sin, describing them as being ‘godly’. The godly are those who obey God and His law. They are those who keep God in constant remembrance and abide by His Law.

It tells us about God. It tells us about the one and only God. It tells about God who is the surveyor of all humans. He is the absolute controller of their destiny. He is the one who ordains their finality. It informs us about God who observes human actions and then administer His will in terms of reward or punishment. The Psalms informs us about the nature and form of the life of those who are good and those who are wicked. The former who are good are joyful and full of hope and happiness ( prospering fruits)and the latter, those who are wicked and sinners, are unhappy and are the outcast of humanity (the Chaff)

The Psalms announces to us about the primordially of:

A. Acknowledging the Lord, God: One and Only God (Monotheism)

B. Believing in Him.

C. Believing in His Law.

D. Keeping God constantly in remembrance.

E. Keeping God and His law in constant remembrance.

F. Abiding constantly by God’s Law and no other thing: absolute and firm obedience.

H. Humans must take heed ,for God watches over all humans and sees their good and evil actions.

I. Taking heed against the Day of Judgment with its finality of reward and punishment.

The First Book of the Psalms of David, revealed unto David about three thousands of years ago, about 1000 Before Our Era, informs of us of all these early and primordial concepts that are the foundations and cornerstones of the three monotheistic religions in the world today, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

In Book One of the Psalms we are told:

‘Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners or join with scoffers. But they delight in doing everything the Lord wants; day and night they think about his law.

‘They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season without fail. Their leaves never wither, and in all they do they prosper.’

‘But this is not true of the wicked. They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind. They will be condemned at the time of judgment. Sinners will have no place among the godly.’

‘For the Lord watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction.’

Psalms of David, Book One: 1- 6

These divine verses represent the principle thesis of all three Scriptures of the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur’an, in a succinct, precise, manifest and concentrated description and prescription identifying and defining the finality of all humans.




Article from articlesbase.com

Related Freedom Of Religion Articles

The Damage of Religions


Dear  Reader;

Great show on jerry pippin with Dr. Turi, we talked about the future of the US after Ben Laden, the future of the world after 2012 and some great personal stories from Dr. Turi.

When you control the children source of information you end up controlling their pitiful lives!

Look Above people God does not live in a book!

Look Above to Find God Children he lives in the stars!

“I will talk to you, you won’t hear me, I will present mys elf to you, you won’t see me”


This is exactly how I feel; no many people can hear and see my message or realize the important of my mission to free the children of tomorrow from fear, ignorance and future wars. This is how I feel when I try to introduce anyone to God’s hidden divinity written in starlight through his universal creation…

“Since the dawn of time, the Creator has shown his truth to the humble, a truth that is hidden from the vain blinded by worldly pleasures, but which is written in the skies, which nightly speaks of the glory of God.”

The fact is God fearing, unconscious parents, teachers, political and religious organizations hijacked the spirit of all the children of the world and coach them to fear, love and respect an allusive God they never been taught to hear or see in action through the signs.

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.

~ Paracelsus

As predicted back in 1995 on the Art Bell show, (listen –  http://cosmiccode7.ning.com/video/usiraq-war-predicted-03261995)  the current religious war plaguing the US and the world at large reflects the end of the Age of Pisces, (illusion / deception / imagination / religions) and the birthing of the New Age of Aquarius (brotherhood, technology / UFO / freedom / humanitarianism / freedom.)

To win this battle the children must be reached and educated on a Universal God in the Universe above that NO human edifices, churches, temples, synagogues, mosques could never host.  With the recent death of Osama Bin Laden a turning point in the battle between love light wisdom and the dangerous evil of ignorance and fears took place.  Those children are screaming from the inside out, some are spiritually jailed in some backward countries; ours in the US lost hopes, abuse drugs, join gangs and repetitively kill their classmates, teachers and finally commit suicide.

Something is TERRIBLY wrong and the current educational system is missing the obvious. Their failure to provide spiritual regeneration with adequate spiritual teaching (Astropsychology) will remedy the evil of organized religions and free our children fragile psyche. Yes offering any child the option to see, hear and use God’ signs while acknowledging their UCI *Unique Celestial Identity or divine make up, can only bring them the spiritual food they starve for and forbidden by unconscious adults.

In a world where leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity.

Dr. Turi

All I am asking the reader is to realize times are changing really fast and God’s celestial authority imposed through the Cosmic Code jurisdictions is forcing humanity to RE-evaluate general communication and Universal education –  see all my predictions there There is no way back especially when symbolically, Osama Bin Laden “the Anti Christ” is no more read more from my website


Please help me to fulfill my mission to free the jailed spirits of our children where words of love, pious conduct promised by religious authorities from all walks of life never delivered the promise for peace and understanding. These Neptunian unconscious souls dress code is pure white shade of pale and reflect the robotic, neurotic tendencies imposed at birth on their own spiritual Neptunian make up. I can see the hidden myriad of spiritual dances, pious manifestations, and illusive objectives produced by all the planets that decides of each human, his/her part in the seriousness of life and its unfolding universal fate. All in HD with all colors and sceneries which escapes the common soul still in training to recognize God and his marvelous physical and spiritual manifestations…


Those representing God might in body mind and soul, those spiritual leaders canonizing themselves, those spiritual leaders gathering humans in very large or small groups are totally blind to his God’s Universal splendor and mystical divinity… All with the mission at heart to help and guide humanity knowing well they can not guide their own self to true salvation and still wonders on his identity. The creator’s uniqueness, manifestation and wonders escape them all reflecting the chaos of the evil forces leading his children towards devious religious insanity and spiritual depletion.

If I make any sense to you then it is time for you to realize the Status Quo will not budge, your political and religious leaders have and will always fail you because there is too much invested in this evil dance, this masquerade of lies its disguises and worthless traditions… Humans are machine of habits, their way of life, beliefs and customs took two thousand years to build and the legacy translate into endless religious wars.  Those in power to change education in the US and other parts of the world are not in position to tread on the archetypal realm of consciousness or even understand their neurological tendencies. To make it simple for the reader to assimilate, without Cosmic Consciousness a bunch of blind leaders in all branches of governmental power are poisoning the mind and the future of your children.


There is no diplomacy dealing with the truth (or the law) this is how it is, harsh, real, painful, demonizing and immediately rejected by those naturally “programmed” to fear or accept changes. I took that position making myself a big target for retaliation from “young souls” unable to comprehend the gravity and emergency of my message and alienate myself from accepted “popularity.” Yes People would rather pay (or donate a lot ) to be deceived instead of facing their fears to gain real salvation.

History has proven to be radical for any “leader of the mind” i.e Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929) born a Capricorn he paid immortality with his own life. Freeing the human spirit oppression demands supreme courage, supreme intelligence, planning and endless efforts leading to the desperately needed financial support allowing for changes to take place.  But the sad reality is those in power and those that could help me to make the changes lack the integrity, the elements of courage, the dedication and perseverance I was born with… Associating with Dr. Turi philosophy, honesty and mission requires the same values I own. The same courage the same fearlessness and the drive to make this world a better place for our children, but the sad reality is, only a few “vibrate” like me.



Yes these are the people like George Noory and others brave hearts God sent me to help me fulfill my mission to help the children. Some are dedicated souls working very closely to me on the forefront in the media willing to take a chance with fear and ignorance i.e. President of Ignorance taking part in the battle between “education and intelligence” the force of darkness and the force of light” in the endless battle for supremacy. Some are just (but very valuable) Internet friends that realized the true values of my work dedicated to spend time promoting my work, endlessly reposting my messages and predictions to the world.


“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

The young souls are also very active and working endlessly to shut down the very voice that could offer them true salvation.  The majority of people are “standing by” watching the raging battles from distance, unwilling to take part of the action, resembling kelp endlessly pushed by the sea current. Being the ultimate majority, these souls are the precious ones I am trying to reach because their input and help is so vital. But as mentioned earlier can they handle the undiluted truth and become a part of my movement? I have a few questions for my 99.09 % worldwide passive reading audience…

Do you love kids?

Are the children victims?

Are the children worth my work?

Is the future of your children important?

Is your children education important to you?

Do you think endlessly firing the teachers is right?

Is the sanity and welfare of this world important to you?

Do you want your children to experience another deadly 911?

Do you really think your wasted “education” tax dollars is justified

Do you want your children to be hated by other children because of religion?

“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi

I am m not exactly sure how many people know Dr. Turi but a few millions for sure but where am I going with that? Just imagine if every one of them were to give me (the kids) , are you with me? Think of it burn and own some karma and after you make your donation see how God reward good karma within the next few hours or the next few days reader. http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html

OMG! Do you realize how much money I would have in the bank to build my Astropsychology schools? Do you realize what this new type of education would mean to the children of tomorrow and the world at large?


The Vatican, Politics, God and Humankind


The Vatican, Politics, God and Humankind

The Pope And The Truth

The system has it that “your donations” are going to the Church Inc. building spiritual pride with bricks, concrete, cements, steel, expansive designs and ornaments to battle and own respect from other religious organizations.

Imagine the amount of time, money and efforts that has been put in the cunning administration of the Vatican and other man made religious palaces? This world is saturated with hundreds of thousands buildings representing man’s imaginative folly but rest assured Jesus’ interstellar “stolen/altered/eradicated” modest ministry never intended to shine it’s obvious spiritual pride.

So reader, can you handle the truth now? When is the last time the Pope, the Honorable Dali Lama and any other top religious celebrities you know, read, trust, follow touched your life directly?  How much any of those representing God on earth wrote for you and came right into your heart and your mind the way I do? How much did they intellectually offer you with today? Nothing that could or would benefit you, your children’ spirits  or the future of humanity…

Furthermore if they are truly God’s voices on earth where are their “predictions”, words of comfort and hopes or their cosmic wisdom? Where is the intellectual work dedicated to your future written by their own hands fuelled by God’s spirit?  Well reader the fact is I am doing all that for you yes?

Yet the religious system is set to automatically  “canonize” (turn into Saints) these souls who have NO clue of the God they serve…What if I make an announcement that my company (Startheme Publication Inc.) made sure that before I die I also become a Saint “automatically?” How laughable, how ridiculous this is just because there is no future plan set to grab and submit your psyche to nothingness.  There is no aim to deceive you and your children, no plan to aim for your pocket, to give me respect and sign up like millions did  for the  Church Inc. mental abuses. Again, the fact is the majority of people would rather pay to be deceived than to be challenged to own the truth, that’s all folks!

But in the shame of religions in the high scheme of Universal things, all young souls were set by their own stars (computerized) to “vibrate”  to so many level of belief systems and with 875 different religious denominations they are not short of choice with religions. Incidentally in the immensity of the ocean rare pearls are very rare gifts that are very hard to find…And this should give you an hint reader of my precious wisdom I am endlessly throwing at your feet, knowing well, the majority of you will simply kick them right back in the water. Yes there are no accidents even for you, if you are a newcomer to my work to read about my philosophy, my predictions and my request for help.

Forgive me Dr. Turi I don’t know better!

Now with such an “attitude” with religions (or a legit perception of the truth) there is no wonder why, regardless of the thousands of letters and emails my readers sent to Oprah Winfrey, the chances of me being on her show are none…Yes the sad reality she (or her staff)  is a part of the 99.09% of silent souls unwilling to handle the truth that is needed to assure the desperately needed changes. Yes instead she invited gurus, offered them fame and fortune and some went on killing their followers –

James Ray and the Secret

I am now 61 years old, I am still working 24/7 offering you the option to raise your own Cosmic Consciousness and with it the option to realize WE the people will make the changes and not your political, educational or religious authorities. It’s all set up to keep you and your children intellectually suffocated in the dark where God’s divinity was driven and kept underground.

If you really want the changes, with time those changes will come to pass reader but I need your help. While I am also kept under ground by the evil forces stopping me reaching your children I trust the future to finally come in my favor and help me to rescue all those lost religiously poisoned souls…

Ask yourself reader, what is it that you did to help your fellow human being and the world today?

What ever you can do, do it now reader, invest in humanity’s future do not let your life go on needlessly if you lost hope or do not know where to go. Join my movement I need your help for my students and I to reach and educate the kids now!  http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html

Medieval Jesus Zodiac

But in the bible, why would Jesus say to his disciples “go to the town and find the man with the WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces”… Is it interesting to know that if this birth chart and date is correct Jesus was born February 28th and I was born February 26 – meantime in some ways am I also a warrior of the spirit and my “ministry” is my dedication to help you reach wisdom, gain cosmic Consciousness, perceive  God as he really is and offer you the option to bring peace to this world. Become the seed, your children need us to do so…

All Is That And That Is All

When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac, God’s commandments written in Starlight will bring true love, respect peace and harmony to this world.

Dr. Turi

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Sharing Emails:

—- Ian
Hi Dr. Turi and Terania,

I am glad to acknowledge, that you have not stooped to the level of behavior that was demonstrated by Mr. Calladus (the CVAAS.ORG) in his response to Linda @KRXA540 request for online discussion.

Drawing wisdom from my Tibetan Buddhist training, I would like to add that Siddhartha Gautama (known as the Buddha, which means enlightened one) gave to us the concept of the “Middle Way.” The Middle Way describes the realization of being free of the one-sidedness of perspective that takes the extremes of any polarity as objective reality. The Middle Way is a dynamic teaching as shown by the traditional story that the Buddha realized the meaning of the Middle Way when he sat by a river and heard a lute player in a passing boat and understood that the lute string must be tuned neither too tight nor too loose to produce a harmonious sound.

With this in mind, it is truly woeful to see such a public individual, as Mr. Calladus, take such a stand. Its okay to not agree with you and what celestial wisdom you offer. But to demonstrate a dread to have a tête-à-tête on common ground is truly appalling (barring any timing constraints). To say on Mr. Calladus’ part to proclaim that in essence you don’t exist (paraphrasing), is simply ignorance (I’m using a dignified word here). It is truly a great loss for Mr. Calladus.

Perhaps it would be better to move on and demonstrate the wonderful strength of Astropsychology and the many utilizations for the benefit of all sentient beings it does provide. Gee, I would venture anyone could draw up a astrology chart and say, “see, it’s right here in the chart.” This would be akin to using a complicated Trigonometry calculator to add two simple figures together. The end user has no concept or understanding of what that calculator can do and forecast.  So, as a pre-student, I would challenge you, Dr. Turi, to provide us with a glimpse into the deeper mysteries of Astropsychology, and beyond the simple requests of… “my Lucky Dragon Dates”, “should I marry this person”, or “is blue really my good luck color.” I am not suggesting that we lessen the importance of our mundane needs. But more exactly, bring directly to light the applications of health, production of energy and its use, production of food, furthering our understanding of the Universe, the unifying of other metaphysical disciplines, our relationship with other sentient beings here on earth and beyond, as well as, our stewardship of “mother earth” and of course much more.

Blessing  Ian


Good evening Ian…

Well Dr. Turi latest show has much of the answers you need – http://darknessradio.com/ and I am sure you will gain quite a lot if you listen to it. And that is the evidence right there that Dr. Turi never assumes anything about anyone without further investigating their UCI background based upon our origin of the cosmos…With our code being our birthday – month, day and year with time and location in accordance with the sun / moon axis with earth etc. That is our pre – set fate determined by the omnipresent. We are the material dragon as the sun gives heat and most down here spit fire.

This isn’t just celestial wisdom, this is what is already in sight. But the naked truth is so bright, that it can blind many and keep them in the dark. Being enclosed in a narrow circle or box, not allowing them to step outside and expand with spiritual enlightenment. After all, we are of the mind / body and spirit. So, anyone can give it whatever name they wish – Siddhartha Gautama (known as the Buddha), Moses, Allah, Jesus, Mohammed , an object – inanimate or animate… but it all relates to the same.

I think if you are skeptical at all, the doc wouldn’t mind to do a debate with you on KRXA show with Linda…It’s be something. LOL But that is what he is after. someone with their noggins crooked. I don’t really think that is you…Is it? Please let us know what you decide and we are here for you. Until later, take it easy and keep in tune as always.

Peace, Love and Light,


May 2011 – 15/16/16


Join Dr. Dean Allen and Dr. Turi on “Conscious Views TV”  on  June 4th  5PM MT for yet another incredible interview where we discuss everything under and above the stars. Formulate your own questions about UFO, the Cosmic Code, predictions, philosophy, the year 2012 the future of humanity, the Subconscious in time and space etc.and join the discussion.

Question? Help? Talk to Terania –                 602-265-7667

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a charismatic captivating speaker, endowed with a profound Universal Wisdom that astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America” as an accomplished leading Clinical Hypnotherapist, Astropsychologist and Natural Healer.

Article from articlesbase.com

Find More Freedom Of Religion Articles

Q&A: Do the American scam religions exploit with impunity the freedom of religion laws in various countries?

Question by Desiree: Do the American scam religions exploit with impunity the freedom of religion laws in various countries?
Do you think when the founders of different countries made their constitutions or codes of ethics regarding religion, they never realized that American scam religions would eventually be concocted and spread around the world like cancer, targeting vulnerable people and doing so in full compliance with the law? Do you think if they were aware of this, they would have done something to prevent it? Like, would they have written, “People have freedom of religion except for American scam religions which are hereby outlawed”? And everybody knows which religions are American scam religions, right?

Best answer:

Answer by No Chance Without Jesus
No one exploits it more than the democratic party.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

The Land of Canaan Should be a Place of Peace and Reconciliation for All True Religions

The place referred to in historical sources as “the land of Canaan” is where currently Palestine and Israel reside in. This is a blessed land of many holy sites, a land where many prophets have lived and called on their peoples to believe in God’s existence and unity. For this reason, the land of Canaan is sacred to the peoples of the three divine religions, in other words, Muslims, Jews, and Christians. This sacred place which brings together representatives of the three religions of the book is extremely important in terms of knowing the common elements of their religions and their faith in one God, whereby they love and respect each other.

In the Qur’an, God presents Jews and Christians as People of the Book, as well as explaining to Muslims in detail what their responsibilities towards them are. People of the Book are aware of the sacred and the profane, and base their moral practices on divine inspiration from God. According to the morality preached by the Qur’an, and the practices of our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace), it is required that Muslims treat Jewish people and Christians with love, care, tolerance, and respect. The call of Muslims to Jews and Christians is revealed thus in the Qur’an:

“We believe in what has been sent down to us and what was sent down to you. Our God and your God are one and we submit to Him.” (Qur’an, 29:46)

This call makes it very clear what Muslims’ point of view towards the People of the Book is: We live according to the moral principles professed by our holy books by respecting the limits made clear by God, by loving and respecting the messengers sent by our Lord, and by having faith in one God. Which is why we are beholden to treat each other with care, understanding, respect, and love.

We All Love and Respect the Same Prophets

Muslims have faith in all of the prophets which have been sent. They believe in the holy books sent to people by prophets in the past. One verse of the Qur’an explains this as follows:

Say, “We believe in God and what has been sent down to us and what was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and what Moses and Jesus and all the prophets were given by their Lord. We do not differentiate between any of them. We are Muslims submitted to Him.” (Qur’an, 3:84)

Prophets Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Aaron, David, Solomon, John, Jesus, and Moses (peace be upon them all) are as important to Muslims as they are to Jews and Christians.

The respect of Jews for Moses (pbuh) who is also a prophet of ours and their close bonds with him over thousands of years are very important to sincere Muslims. The great love of Christians for Jesus (pbuh) and their heartfelt attachment to him is of similar importance to Muslims. Of course those who feel love and respect for Prophets Jacob, Isaac, Ishmael, Abraham, Lot, Ayyub, Moses, Jesus, John and other prophets (peace be upon them all) are highly valued people for whom naturally Muslims will feel love and affection and approach with understanding and compassion. Anything opposing this is not possible.

We Should All Live in Peace in Canaan, the Land of Prophets

All believers desire in their hearts, and reap great joy from this, that the people who believe in the same prophets should live in security, love and peace in the land of Canaan – and in fact throughout the entire world. The children of the three divine religions – Prophet Ishmael’s (pbuh) children, the Muslim Arabs, Prophet Moses’ (pbuh) children, the Jews, and Prophet Jesus’ (pbuh) children, the Christians – should be able to live as they desire in the land of Canaan. Jews, Christians and Muslims should be able to practice their religions as they want there, and should be able to live their lives in peace and comfort there, without any fear. It should be the common ideal for all believers.


The land of Canaan is the land of the ancestors of Christians, Jews and Muslims, the descendants of Prophet Abraham (pbuh). Their ancestors have lived and died on this land. Just as their ancestors did, they have the right to worship, live life, and reside in these lands. In these lands – as in the rest of the world – nobody can interfere with them or their worship, limit their movements or place restrictions on them. This is an order from God to all believers in the Qu’ran. All the sacred places and the homes in which the name of God is remembered are under the protection of our Lord. The obligation of the believers is to protect these places where God’s name is remembered and believers worship to gain the pleasure of God. God tells us in the Qu’ran:

Those who were expelled from their homes without any right, merely for saying, “Our Lord is God” (if God had not driven some people back by means of others, monasteries, churches, synagogues and mosques, where God’s name is mentioned much, would have been pulled down and destroyed. God will certainly help those who help Him – God is All-Strong, Almighty). (Qur’an, 22:40)

But the reality is that because of some radical elements among these three religions, attempts to spread clash and chaos, instead of peace and security, in these sacred lands are common and believers are being dismayed. This is not, however, an acceptable situation. Killing people or trying to remove them forceably from their land are actions anathema to the beliefs of Jewish and Muslim people. It is such an attack on the lineage of the prophets that any true person of faith, either Muslim or Jewish, could not accept it. An attempt to wipe out Prophet Jacob’s (pbuh) line is a kind of wrongdoing every truly faithful Muslim would be against. At the same time, attacks whose aim is to wipe out the line of Prophet Ishmael (pbuh) can clearly not be allowed. All true believers must make their attitude known clearly regarding this Dajjal-like (Antichrist-like) game constructed on violence and aggressiveness. It must not be forgotten that Muslims, Jews and Christians should not be fighting against each other, but should be engaged in an intellectual struggle against the threat to all of our societies, irreligion and atheism. All Muslims, Christians and Jews who love God and the prophets should guard against this danger.

With so much strong threat of atheism, materialism and Darwinism in the world today, Jews, with their ties to Prophets Abraham and Moses (peace be upon them), and their faith which has lasted thousands of years, are very precious to Muslims. In the same way, Christians all over the world expressing their faith in God, and their love for Prophets Jesus and John (peace be upon them), are very precious to Muslims. It is a thing of joy for Muslims to see their faith and ties to Jesus (pbuh) over two thousand years. Which is why true Muslims should want from their hearts for Jews and Christians to have stronger faith, and to love God more.


The land of Canaan should not be one where Jews and Palestinian Muslims live in fear and terror. Muslims and Jews should immediately put an end to the cruelty, the politics of terror, the oppression, in short the violence. All believers in the religions of the book should be able to live on these lands in comfort, tranquility, safety and peace and lead prosperous lives. There is no place for enmity in the morality prescribed by God. The answer is to be individually determined on friendship, affection and compassion, seeking God’s good pleasure without any expectation of reward. In the Qu’ran God tells us that superior morality will destroy enmity:

A good action and a bad action are not the same. Repel the bad with something better and, if there is enmity between you and someone else, he will be like a bosom friend. None will obtain it but those who are truly steadfast. None will obtain it but those who have great good fortune. (Qur’an, 41:34-35)

The example of the history shows us that in these lands it is possible to re-establish a system open to respect and affection in which every group can live in safety and in freedom such as the one which operated through the vision of the Ottomans. As Muslims, it is one of our greatest desires that the Jews should live and trade freely in the land of their forefathers, cooperate freely with other nations in the political, commercial and artistic fields and be free to worship wherever they wish. In the same way, it is extremely important to provide all the means that the Palestinian Muslims should have freedom of movement in the lands of Israel, in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and be able to worship in peace and that they should live in brotherhood with the Jews.

God willing, within a very short time better and brighter days will come when all Christians, Muslims and Jews will live in brotherhood. With the power of sincere faith it will be possible to achieve a world in which peace, security, goodwill and affection hold sway. This is a promise from God to all true believers. Our Lord gives the good news to the faithful in the Qur’an thus:

God has promised those of you who believe and do right actions that He will make them successors in the land as He made those before them successors, and will firmly establish for them their religion with which He is pleased and give them, in place of their fear, security. They worship Me, not associating anything with Me. Any who disbelieve after that, such people are deviators. (Qur’an, 24:55)

Under the pen name of Harun Yahya, Adnan Oktar has written some 250 works. His books contain a total of 46,000 pages and 31,500 illustrations. Of these books, 7,000 pages and 6,000 illustrations deal with the collapse of the Theory of Evolution. You can read, free of charge, all the books Adnan Oktar has written under the pen name Harun Yahya on these websites www.harunyahya.com


Born in Ankara in 1956, Adnan Oktar writes his books under the pen name of Harun Yahya. Ever since his university years, he has dedicated his life to telling of the existence and oneness of Almighty Allah, and to disseminating the moral values of the Qur’an. He has never wavered in the face of difficulties and despite oppression, still continues this intellectual struggle today exhibiting great patience and determination. For mor information pls visit: http://www.harunyahya.com/theauthor.php

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Liberal religious believe in science and don’t believe in the word of god as absolute. Its time we were made aware of them because the keep so quiet and stop making strawmen about all of the religious.
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As Religions Are Man Made One Asks Who Is Their God



If you study the Book of Jonah the questions will probably flow through your mind concerning salvation and the path to Heaven and one cannot blame you. Jonah typifies the belief among religious followers that to be devoid of a religious mindset and its benefits one is lost; it is a limited theory without basis.


The question posed by the title asks who is their God but the real question is: where is their God if we are to believe their dictates. The reason this question comes to mind is their habits do not promote their God’s word and this is based on crime, domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual abuse, drug use, wars on all fronts and a whole plethora of actions that truly should not exist.


Violence is at the very core of all of us but we have to consciously work on quelling its appearance otherwise our societies would be worse than the wild west of days gone by. As humans we are all prone to imperfections but it is within our capacity to limit disasters not accentuate them.


To define the word violence we look at the results that deplete another person and go no further than words and actions. These encompass gossip, slander, lies and deceit plus the actions of intolerance, hatred etc and then realize the vastness encompassed by violence.


Violence is also depicted when we practice disloyal behaviours like infidelity and injustice with a dim light on the definition of equality. All we have to do is look at families being torn apart or someone locked up because of an inherent bias and we have cause and effect of infidelity and injustice.


Punishments are not harsh enough for lessons to be learned and when we see people commit suicide because of the depraved actions of greed and insensitive words we see other additions to the meaning of violence.


If we stopped looking for God through religions instead acknowledge that as he is within each of us then it shall encourage us to figure out a more compatible society. Perhaps churches could be used as community centres, homes for the homeless and as a refuge for victims of abuse; who knows as the possibilities are numerous.


In Richmond VA, a curious thing is being developed; a museum to the work of the Catholic Church; wow! Then ask who needs a relic to the Spanish Inquisition, or the abuses of the past one hundred years. What about the intolerance inflicted across the spectrum of society. The CC does not have a monopoly on barbarism or intolerance and within the past few weeks there was a meeting of the Churches in Britain and they want to do away with equality disallowing women to be ordained; wow!


Religions are causing society to regress not advance and soon, perhaps very soon they will go the way all dinosaurs have gone; become extinct! It is a stretch of the imagination and even of faith to trust in any entity whether church or government with emphasis on faith while they pander to certain interests at the expense of the populace; kind of condescending really!


It is humorous to find the doors of churches locked because of vandalism, which rather defeats the purpose of freedom to honour God! It is an example however of the limited reach of the arm of particular churches. Basically when we accept the existence of God as an example for all of mankind to trust in and that He is a God for all nations’ individual religions become superfluous and contrary to the intention of God.


Frankly it may be that religions are the instruments of the crime they are actually aiming to prevent because of their excessive rules and examples devoid of kindness, equality, love, tolerance and justice; with exceptions for certain interests like; the Mafia, the UVF and Al Qaeda to mention a few.


‘For it is love that I desire, not sacrifice;

it is knowledge of God, not burnt offerings.’ Hosea 6:6


As history is full of fallen realms, leaders and entities then we can only hope and pray for justice for all!

Tomas Coimin is a master of motivational techniques with a strong desire to help others seek greater peace through positive self-esteem. Based in Co. Tipperary Ireland. Through the years it has been very rewarding to receive acknowledgments from readers indicating the benefits of my writings and thus I pray to continue to deliver quality pieces to continue the trends of previous successes. I write and publish poetry and short stories too but my chief aim is to work towards strengthening self-esteem while eliminating the ravages caused by abuses whether financial, physical, sexual or mental.
Tomas may be reached at selfesteemawareness@gmail.com

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Monotheistic religions have one message: God is, God is to be worshipped and to be obeyed

Monotheistic religions have one message: God is, God is to be worshipped and to be served

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the only monotheistic religions in the world, present, past and perhaps, future. They all have the same message. This message is a divine message. They all have their messengers delivering the same message.

These are Moses, Christ and Muhammad in respect to every religion. The Torah was revealed unto Moses after the Exodus from Egypt(about 1272 Before our Era), the Gospel, or the Evangel was revealed unto Jesus Christ (33 AE), the Qur’an was revealed unto Muhammad between 610 and 632(AE) The birth time of Christ is at zero hour of the time of human history.

The three messages are considered by their fiddles as divine messages of God. They all have the same contents. That there is God, that this God is the creator of the universe and all life manifestations. He is one and unique. He is to be worshipped and served and obeyed. Each one of the divine Scriptures prescribes its laws to its people.

Thus, Jews are confided to their Law or the Torah, Christians are confined to their Gospel and Muslims are confined to the Qur’an and the dictums of Muhammad. But all religions represent one content and one message.

 Every fiddle of these religions is charged with the personal responsibility to believe in God, not to associate anything with God, fear God, venerate God and worship only God. However, major deviation has occurred in the four books of the New testament.

The apostles, John, Paul, Luke and Marc, known as the disciples of Christ, have ascribed Godship to Christ. They have considered Christ as the son of God and as God the father and as God in trinity with the holy spirit, archangel Gabriel. In this the two other religions depart company and deny anything to be associated with God, the unique, the indivisible, the eternal the All Mighty.

The three messages, however, declare a Day of Judgment where all humans shall be brought to death and resurrection shall be next. Then, every human being, whether believer or disbeliever, shall be brought to account for his. Or her, own deeds and beliefs in their worldly life. For this religion considers two lives prescribed for all human beings.

The first is short, temporary and transitory and the second is eternal. Now then, man has the freedom of will to choose between belief and disbelief in God and the Last day, he has also the freedom to obey or disobey the divine messages.

It is according to man’s decision that man shall be judged and then those who have chosen belief and performed good deeds they shall be rewarded with eternal felicity. As for those who disbelieve in God and the Last Day of Judgment, even if they do good deeds all their lives they shall be punished eternally in Hell Fire. For disbelief is considered, according to the dive messages as the ultimate evil and cannot be recompensated, or swapped, for good deeds only.

The divine messages are reminders to mankind. No attempt in any monotheistic religion is made to coerce humans to believe or disbelieve, to obey or disobey, to worship God or not. Man is totally free and his responsibility is complete. In this lies the value, worth and dignity of man. Whosoever chooses to take the path of God can do so and whosoever chooses other path is free to do so.

Believers are considered those who believe in God and the Last Day. Their duty is to worship God and only God, the one and only. No associates, idols, humans or otherwise, to be taken beside Him or with Him. Humans are invited and reminded to take heed against the day o reckoning.

For the plausibility of the religious argument, man is invited to look into the universe and himself and make his own mind and heart as the arbitrators of the existence of God, the plausibility of resurrection and the certitude of the other life whether in paradise or in Hell. There are two categories of humans, those who believe and those who disbelieve. Skeptics and those who are in doubt are considered as disbelievers as long as they did not pronounce their belief.

So make your own choice as you like!

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World Religions

Posted: Sep 09, 2009 |Comments: 0 |

By: Aiysha Jebali


World Religion


Ancient Hawaiian Culture and Belief Systems

The Hawaiian Islands have not been around long in comparison with the huge 4.5 billion year history of the earth. The first Hawaiian Island to emerge in fact was the island of Kauai, around six million years ago.

The ancient Hawaiians were Polynesians and had a polytheistic religion. Over a period of time the Hawaiians, like the other Polynesians, developed a rather intricate system of Gods and Goddesses of various rank and form.

This web of deities consisted of main Gods and Goddesses, demi-Gods and Goddesses and other various Gods and Goddesses.

They had Six Gods and Two Goddesses. Inclusive of the Gods was the Chief god, Keawe. He was believed to be the original spirit that was present at the birth of the world. Keawe was believed to be the ancestor of all the Gods and Goddesses. The other seven gods that make up the Sacred Eight are Kane (Lord of the West), Nâwâhine (Holy Mother of Heaven or The Moon Goddess), Lono (God of the East and Fertility), Kanaloa (God of the South Pacific Occean), Kû (The God of the North and War), Goddess Papa and God Wâkea (The rulers of Nature).

I find this religion rather fitting and I also think it has quite a few similarities with ancient Egypt’s take on the birth of the world except they just had different names for their Gods and suchlike. I’ve found that with quite a number of ancient religions, ones that would have had no contact with each other and yet they had very similar Earth History and Gods and Goddesses.


Scientology was created by an American Author and Humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard. He worked on his life long passion of life and Human Nature to create a new way of life and a higher civilisation.
Scientologists believe that Humans are generally Good, and not evil. The religion holds that Human experiences may cause people to do evil deeds but it is not their basic Nature to be evil. In anyone. They believe, unlike the majority of Religions, that Humans can and should solve their own problems instead of looking to their religion to do so. They do this by increasing knowledge and the ability of the individual so they can improve their own lives.
Mr. Hubbard decided to make a new name for the being or spirit of the individual because there had been so many concepts over the millennia. He decided on the term “thetan” from the Greek letter theta, which was the traditional symbol for thought and life.
Scientologists believe in “Eight Dynamics of Existence”. These are: The Urge to Survive as oneself, The Urge to Survive through Family, Sex and the rearing of Children, The Urge to Survive in groups, The Urge to Survive as Mankind or Humanity as a whole and the final four dynamics are to Survive through other life forms such as Animals, Plants, the Physical Universe, the Spiritual Universe and as Infinity or a Supreme Being respectively.
This more Modern Religion has become very popular rather quickly I have to say. Particularly with such celebrities as Tom Cruise etc. I found it more philosophical than religious to be honest. Not that I’m downing it because I think they have some really intriguing philosophies on life and Humanity.


The foundation of Islamic belief is found in their doctrine The Qur’an. They believe that these scriptures are infallible and without error. The Qur’an is made up of 114 Surahs (chapters); they are arranged from the longest to the shortest. Muslims believe that the Qur’an is the word of God, given to them by Muhammad. They hold that Muhammad was the last and the most perfect of Allah’s (God) messengers.
In addition to the Qur’an, there are also other documents that are referred to by Muslims. These are the Hadith (a compilation of Muhammad’s sayings), The Torat (book of Moses), Suhuf (books of the prophets), Zabur (psalms of Davis) and the Injil (gospel of Jesus). However, they are believed to have been corrupted over the years, unlike the Qur’an.
Islam is based on the Five Articles of Faith and The Five Pillars of Faith.
The Five Articles are the central Doctrines of Islam. All Muslims are expected to believe in them. The first Article of Faith is Allah: The one and only true God and Allah alone is the only creator of the Universe. Secondly, is the Angels: They believe that Angels exist and interact with Human lives. Each have different purposes or messages to bring to the Earth. Each Man or Woman has two Angels the record their actions; one records their good deeds the other records the bad ones. The Third Article is the Scriptures: The only holy book uncorrupted is the Qur’an. Fourthly, is the Prophets: God has spoken through numerous prophets through time. The six greatest are: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and the greatest of all is Muhammad.
The Five Pillars are the duties that each Muslim must perform. The Pillars are as follows: Creed (to become Muslim one must state, “there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah” publicly. Next is Prayer (Muslims must pray five times daily, upon rising, at noon, in mid-afternoon, after sunset and before going to sleep in the direction of Mecca), the call for Prayer is sounded by the muezzin (the Muslim Carrier). Thirdly is Almsgiving (Muslims are legally required to give one fortieth of the income to the needy. Fasting is the fourth Pillar of Islam (during the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from sun up until sun down) and the final Pillar is Pilgrimage (each Muslim that is fit and able is expected to make the journey to Mecca at least once in their life time, they believe that this essential in gaining salvation).


Shamanism dates back as early as the beginning of the New World and Originated in Siberia and Central Asia. Shamanism is traditionally not an organised group with a charismatic leader as such. It is an individualistic religion and can be found in many different cultural settings. Shamanism has maintained it’s shape, if you will, throughout time in spite of the cultural changes. The ancestry of the Shamans is the Shamans themselves. There were Shamans before there were Gods. This is backed up by archaeology. It shows masked Shamans or Sorcerers dancing in Caves.

The Core beliefs of Shaman are: Shamanism is the intentional effort of the participant to communicate and develop relationships with spiritual beings. Secondly, that Shamanism is more of an individualistic approach to the perception of the intertwined relatedness of life, plants, animals, Gods and other deities rather than a traditional religion. Thirdly, Shamans traditionally fulfil the role of the Priest, Magician, Metaphysician or the Healer. This is dependant on the Shaman’s personal experience. The Knowledge of the other realms allows the Shaman to serve as connection point between the physical world and the spiritual world. Moreover, the relationship created with an interaction with a spirit is a mutual respectful insight for both the Spiritual and the physical participant. Although the individual’s journey is directed at self-healing and the development one’s self, the main objective is not completely about self serving. It is more to develop an interconnectedness with all life via regular practice. Through this regular practice they believe that one would be healed and would then in turn be able to heal others and help them develop and grow. Shamans are generally believed to be Healers, Herbalists, Spiritual Advisers and Dream Interpreters.

I really enjoyed researching the Shamans because of their distinct connection with other realms throughout existence and there exceedingly interesting and ancient history.


Last but not least is the belief system Wicca or also known as The Craft. Various forms of Wicca have existed through time in itself. In fact, Wicca Predates any of the five main religions Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Sikh and Hinduism. There have been many branches of Wicca over the years such as, Gardnerian Wicca, Alexandrian Wicca, Dianic Wicca, Celtic Wicca (church of Wicca) and Georgian Wicca.

Wicca is based upon 13 Principles, The Wiccan Rede and The Law of Three.

The 13 Principles are: Wiccans practice rites (rituals) to attune themselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the moon and the seasonal Quarters and Cross Quarter. They recognise that their intelligence them a unique responsibility towards the Environment. They seek to live in Harmony with nature, in ecological balance offering fulfilment to life and consciousness within an evolutionary concept. Thirdly, they acknowledge a depth of power far greater than that apparent to the average person. They see this knowledge and power as attainable to all but most do not tune in enough to learn. They believe in the polarity of the Creative Power. That is masculine and feminine and that this same Creative Power lies in everyone; and functions through the interaction of Men and Women. Wiccans value neither Male nor Female above the other, knowing that each is essential and is supportive to the other. Wiccans value sex as pleasure, the embodiment of life and as one of the sources of energies used in magical practice and worship to connect with the divine. They recognise both outer worlds (physical worlds) and inner worlds (spiritual Worlds). Wiccan do not have any authoritarian hierarchy, but they do respect those who teach, share their knowledge and wisdom and and acknowledge those who have given themselves in leadership. Wiccans see religion, magic and wisdom as being united in the way one views the world and lives within it. They also believe that calling ones self a witch does not make a witch– but neither does hereditary itself, nor the collecting of titles, degrees and initiations. A witch seeks to control the forces within themselves that make life possible in order to live wisely and well without harm to others and in harmony with Nature. Furthermore, they believe in the affirmation and fulfilment of life. They also hold no animosity towards any other religions except that they disagree with “the only way” approach because they believe in the freedom to choose your own life path, that there is always more than one option available in religion and that we should not repress others beliefs. What’s more, they as witches do not feel threatened by debates of the history of The Craft, it’s origins of various terms or the legitimacy of various aspects of their traditions because they are only concerned by their present and their future. As well as the above, they do not accept the concept of absolute evil, nor do they worship any entity known as “Satan” or “The Devil”. They do not seek power through the suffering of others, nor do they accept that personal benefit can be derived only by denial to another. And Finally, the 13th Principle is that they believe that they should seek within Nature that which is contributory to our health and well-being.

The Wiccan Rede and The Law of Three is the basic foundation of Wicca. The Wiccan Rede is summed up in eight words: “An Ye Harm None, Do As Ye Will”. This means that as long as you are causing harm to none, including yourself, then use your magic as feels right and most natural to you. The Law of Three is something similar to Karma if you like. It means that what ever you send out good or bad it will come back to you threefold. This is why they believe it is better to act with love and kindness rather than with hate and spitefulness .

I do believe that any faith is better than none, even if it is nameless, as long as you have something good to believe in. That’s what keeps the majority of Humans going in my opinion.

In conclusion, I find all of the above to hold truths and they are all very good ways of life, but it is up to the individual to choose which is most fitting for them if any.

I hope you enjoyed the Article and I hope that you took something from it. Thank you for taking the time to read it.

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Aiysha Jebali