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National Cyber Security

The future of security tools has changed greatly for the last several years. Today the network must respond to network attacks maintaining the network reliability, business performance and cyberspace security. The aim of cyber security issue is to make the network more flexible in order to prevent attacks and to keep on working.

Network security is a primary issue for every company, organization or individual. There exist various types and levels of network attacks. The main differences between national, corporate and information cyber security lie in the level of network security and tools applied. The national data requires the highest possible level of network security. The corporation has to use a multilayered approach in order to protect the information located on the computer from network attacks. The level of information security depends on an organization, state or individual, who use it. Thus, the level of network security is defined according to this principle.

Department of Homeland Security and Cyberspace Security (DHS) has been created to improve the cyber security of America. DHS is responsible for developing the national plan for securing the state resources and infrastructure of the US; giving crisis management concerning cyber attacks; providing technical assistance to the government entities concerning emergency recovery plans of critical information systems; coordinating with agencies of the federal government to provide advice about appropriate protective measures to organizations including the private sector, academia, and the public; funding research that will lead to new technologies in support of homeland security.

Strategic principles of the National Homeland Security are directed at securing cyberspace via the following:

• Preventing cyber attacks against US infrastructures;

• reducing national vulnerability to cyberspace attacks;

• reducing the recovery time after a cyber attack occurs.

The national cyber space security has several priorities. They are:

1. The national cyberspace security response system. This system is public/private architecture for analyzing, warning and managing cyber incidents of national importance.

2. The national cyberspace security threat and vulnerability reduction program.

3. The national cyberspace security awareness and training program.

4. Government security cyberspace.

5. International cyberspace security program. It is aimed at preventing cyber attacks that could influence national security. This program improves the international response to attacks of such kind.

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National Security Alert – Sensitive Information Part 1/8

One of the best clips i’ve seen documenting the impossible official story around 9/11

Latest National Security Auctions

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Janet Napolitano, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, speak about the National Guard

National Security
Image taken on 2009-09-13 13:23:39 by The National Guard.

Obama to hold national security sitdown on Iraq

Obama to hold national security sitdown on Iraq
President Barack Obama sits down Wednesday with his national security team to talk about Iraq.

Read more on AP via Yahoo! News

Power Elite Deceptions : Civilian Security Force!

If this commentary doesn’t make a good Democrat mad, I don’t know what would. Wait! A Christian Democrat could get really angry by viewing my sister commentary on September 2, 2009 at www.LRCHouston.com.  I’m dealing with the same subject but with a different slant.  <!–more–>


You’ve heard it said, ‘Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Everyone wants POWER. Scientists want power. Religion wants power. These two seemingly opposite forces are battling for the minds of humanity. But, so too is the government.

Republicans have their agenda and the Democrats an equally devious one; however, one of the most deceptive POWER maneuvers for me is Barack Obama’s “Civilian Army”. Tell me, what the hell do we need a civilian army for when we can even pay the bills for a military army?

Well, here’s my answer.

Maintaining POWER from the masses isn’t as easy as you might think. The POWER BOYS are a much smaller group, but alas they have POWER! One of the most obvious ways that power is exercised can be seen in Venezuela as an example where Hugo Chavez took advantage of the poor people being tired of being ruled over by the “Intelligent power Elite” thus allowing Hugo to come as “one of them” until he amassed enough POWER to say to hell with everyone that disagrees with me.

America may buy in to “Cash for Clunkers”, the take over of the automobile industry, telling those rich SOB Wall Street hot dogs how much money they can make, but the “average Joe” would easily SEE through having the military take over.


Thus, a civilian force. As Obama said, “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

The reason being?

Let me give you a clue from two weeks ago. The Obama administration set up a HOT LINE for you to REPORT anyone who disagreed with their national healthcare program, under the guise of knocking down “untruths”. And an untruth is- something that doesn’t agree with the Obama administration.

We don’t need a civilian national security force. We already have enough State “national guards”. Let’s get real here. Washington already has too much POWER for its own good and definitely too much for our good!

As a spiritual-futurist, I have a BA degree majoring in history. One cannot know the future without knowing the past which holds clues to what is on the horizon. The world is in such a rapid expansion of knowledge that we are close to entering a tipping point that will forever change earth as we know it.

National security hotline

National security hotline
The objective of this performance audit is to assess whether the Attorney‐General’s Department effectively manages the operation of the National security hotline set up in December 2002. Social Policy

Read more on Australian Policy Online

Gore Vidal: History of the national security state

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Latest National Security Auctions

Hey, check out these auctions:
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National Security Advisers Brent Scowcroft & Zbigniew Brzezinski Confronted by Philly 911 Truth and We Are CHANGE Ohio

Brent Scowcroft National Security Adviser to presidents Ford and Bush I is confronted on his treasonous acts against the American people. Zbigniew Brzezinski National Security Adviser to president Jimmy Carter is also confronted on his New World Order agenda.