Home » The Constitution » 14th Amendment Citizenship: Citizen or citizen?

14th Amendment Citizenship: Citizen or citizen?

Prior to the alleged ratification of the 14th Amendment, there was no legal definition of a “citizen of the United States”, as everyone had primary citizenship in one of the several states. The Constitution referred to the sovereign state citizen, and no one else. Those who went to Washington, DC or outside the several states were commonly called “citizens of the United States.” In the Constitution for the United States, the term was used to identify state citizens who were eligible under the suffrage laws to hold office, and they were required under the Constitution to have primary allegiance to one of the several states. Since that term was not specifically defined in the US Constitution, Congress in 1868 took advantage of this term and utilized it in the so-called 14th Amendment to describe a NEW type of “citizen” whose primary allegiance was to the federal government, ie Washington, DC and not to one of the several states of the union. Thus, using the term as used in the US Constitution to mislead and confuse the people as to the true intent and meaning of the Constitution. Many people have mistaken the citizen as denominated in the 14th Amendment to mean the same one in the original constitution, this is in error. The “citizen of the united states” as used in the constitution is not the same as the citizen of the United States used after the 14th Amendment. So all the elected officials are NOT sitting in the office constitutionally, they are merely impostors created
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25 comments on “14th Amendment Citizenship: Citizen or citizen?

  • @allantoney1 sorry truth hurts I know.. Didn’t watch your combat infantryman vs.illegals videos but read the descriptions- what a shame you can’t put 2 and 2 together after seeing my channel.


  • @BaronLoveburned If religion is removed; then the corporation has won. One must recognize that our unalienable rights come from God, not the government.

  • Does this mean that the southern states are still out of the US?

  • I agree, unfortunately the IRS will just say that the 14th amendment proves that we are both. Jury nullification is the only cure. I have seen opinions stating that we need to file commercial affidavits of truth and make worms from the IRS try to rebut the facts and prove there was not fraud involved from not making full disclosure.

  • slavery cause with no sovergnty you can`t argue statues that martin luther king jr. gave you…….

  • Not God bless America, but God DAMN America

  • What a great video to bring forth the truth
    Never quite understood it like that
    Thank you

  • @rjohson Thanks for the intelligent comment. I even tried to explain to the dude that when you do a 360 it is a complere circle and you end up right back where you started. He didn’t get that either….

  • @gov360dotorg your wrong there is a solution, hes getting this information out thats the solution tell as many people that will listen

  • @MoorMonsta Notice how you never hear or see the world Union anymore. We are not a Union like we were meant to be. A union is not forced. The “Union” in the War of Northern Aggression was really the Federal Government. The Union of Republics that was created in 1787 has been dead in the water since 1868. Now all we have left is one big Empire. The north is lied to and told the Union position was there position. It was not. The actual civil war was north of the Mason-Dixon.

  • Thank you for this useful information; i have benefited a great deal.

  • @gov360dotorg There is a solution. The maker of the vid is simply trying to educate, because the first step in the solution is an educated public. The next step is non compiance, and that gets ugly. And in the case of failure, the next step is revolution.


  • @MoorMonsta So the USA is the corp. and the US is the country?

  • @NEOPEAKOIL Nature never intended the demise of any human beings.
    God was the only one who said anyone ever had to die.
    The contract entered into with any god of your choosing is very simple and always the same.
    You agree that you must one day die to go and be with your god.
    That is the pact that is made.

  • WorldAttendant

    May 16, 2011 at 5:33 am

    @truthtrekker It was! “The lion-faced serpent Yaltabaoth; This is the first rule, for he is ignorant darkness. And he joined with his arrogance which is in him and begot authorities for himself. Now Yaltabaoth is impious in his arrogance which is in him. For he said, ‘I am a jealous God, and there is no other God beside me.’ But by announcing this he indicated to the angels who attended him that there exists another God.

  • They are robbing us just the like British were doing in the beginning of our Republic. When will you people wake up?

  • burned james taylor records because he played for obama how sad that is…..
    sad sad


  • The US consititution is a disaster – with slavery measures still in place, and several amendments later with the full 13th version missing – yet Americans are brainwashed from young school days that they have the greatest consitution in all history of the world. Is the US a country or a corporation? Is the US the licking dog of the Zionist bankers?

  • this is fasinating.

  • @virtuouszero the word citizen is not a proper noun. A proper noun is a word that is used for a person, place, group, or organization.
    In this case the word citizen was captilaized for a specific reason, which is fully explained in the video uploaded to my channel entitled ”Understanding the US Constitution- The Preamble”.

  • Isn’t because “Citizen” capitalized because its a proper noun. All proper nouns are capitalized in the constitution except in the bill of rights. The framers had to follow a pattern of emphasis known as “Poetic License”, to accentuate their point. Correct me if I’m wrong..

  • @gov360dotorg The gangs you mentioned are working towards the goal of a one world government, however in no way can take credit for hatching the plot.
    This system of slavery and death that we live in is over 6000 years old and started with god and the death of god, the first human being to make slaves and claim to be the creator of all things.
    The solution to this ongoing problem can be found in a video called AGREED which can be found here –> /watch?v=w8lbaplEPps

  • So the “powers that be” (CFR CIA KFC) want WORLD DOMINATION. They are part of a plot hatched by several generations to TAKE OVER the WORLD – right?

    Do I understand you so far?

    OK – why doesn’t your video offer a solution? There is no solution?

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