Home » The Constitution » Andrew Napolitano – Government Lawlessness

Andrew Napolitano – Government Lawlessness

Andrew Napolitano explains how the actions of Washington politicians are displaying little regard for that which they pledge to uphold, the Constitution. www.LibertyPen.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Nov. 24, 2010 – Got questions about the TSA? This video’s got answers. Jam-packed with all the information you need to get up to speed on the 2010 holiday airport security uproar. Get the inside scoop on full body scanners, radiation health risks, pat-downs, screw-ups, underwear bombers, cavity searches, special interests, government officials, the Constitution (specifically, the 4th Amendment), scanner storage capability, and hear from some of the most engaged minds in the debate; including Congressman Ron Paul.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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50 comments on “Andrew Napolitano – Government Lawlessness

  • This judge should get a movie deal with him being the mob boss.

  • Ron Paul / Judge Andrew Napolitano 2012!

  • Judge Napolitano is a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately, he’s probably not going to be paid attention to, any more than the Constitution is.

  • DAMN…………





  • @TheDestroyerCrom No argument to your general point, but the degree to which Obama has dealt dollars is what sets him apart. Both mosquitos and alligators bite, but …

  • TheDestroyerCrom

    July 16, 2011 at 1:24 am

    @fzqlcs: you’re right about that, but why do you single out Obama? All of government has always been like that.

  • Congress, now and for some time to come, are not about ready to listen to the Citizenry that put them into Office. Congress now is owned by powerful forces outside of our Elected Members. As it is, now, we the Citizens are the losers.

  • Ron Paul / Andrew Napolitano 2012.

  • danielcooper1000

    July 16, 2011 at 2:10 am

    Los Angeles Superior Court Judges are excpting bribes. California judges are employee’s of the State not the County. The County is currently giving them $57,688.00 per yr per judge in addition to the pay and benefits they receive from the State. After being exposed for the bribes (Sturgeon v Los Angeles County) the judges paid a lobbyist to pass SBX211 granting the retro active imunity from prosecution. SBX211 does not address the loss of due proccess.

    (see) How To Disqualify Your Judge

  • centurion180ad

    July 16, 2011 at 2:10 am

    Illegitimate gangster government has been doing this forever, it is called Union Busting. Reagan told his regulatory officers to not prosecute antiunion activity. Corporations have been violating labor contracts regularly, with impunity with government connivance.

    SHANX !
    }8 ? )

  • skatepunkzero

    July 16, 2011 at 2:19 am

    @KarmicOmen and being Italian from Jersey helps too

  • BINGO!

  • centurion180ad

    July 16, 2011 at 3:24 am

    When We The People overthrow the mass murdering Debt Syndicate and reinstitute our Republic, we’ll ELECT this man as our first Chief Justice of the Peace.

  • Sheila Bair: a felon.

  • Judge is a mans man not a wishy washy bum.

  • @fzqlcs seriously. people had no idea what they were getting themselves into. all it took was a handsome face and the word “change” to completely brainwash the public.
    comparing a common thief and obama is like comparing a drop of water to the whole ocean. obama is one of the biggest criminals in history

  • I can’t stand Neil Cavuto. He interrupts guests 10x worse than Alex Jones.

  • Man I love Judge Napolitano’s hair.

  • skatepunkzero

    July 16, 2011 at 5:45 am

    Him and Ron Paul better Co-run!

  • Notice that the Judge states his point as a lawful vs. unlawful not legal vs. illegal. He is a common law thinking man.

  • timewilltell7

    July 16, 2011 at 6:49 am

    look how masculine judge nap looks compared to that faggot type guy on the news – sry but im sick of it all

  • timewilltell7

    July 16, 2011 at 7:00 am

    obama is such an empty headed narcissist i cant get over his stance – when he puts his nose up and tries to act so big when he is a blown up nothing and his annoying too tall over dressed smiling wife gets on my nerves

    judge nap is such a man – a dying breed

  • HOW COME repubs. can admit Bush was a lying theif, but democrats wont even admit Lobamba is a race baiting, al qaeda, martr to be ? GOT TRAITORS ? yep,…lots of um.


  • @Psy0psAgent That won’t solve squat…as they will want to probe up your ass and pussy, cock and search for surgical scarring. This was all resolved with Mocek vs NM. TSA admitted they can only legally ask to see a boarding pass. All else is illegal. Travelers just have to demand their right to travel without showing ID, grope or scan…unless probably cause can be verbalized that traveler could be a terrorist or similar.

  • who was that shrill hooker at the end with RP? I’d like to cut her head off and take a dump down her neck

  • Ron Paul ROCK at the end!

  • My friend just suggested that we all show up naked at the airport. That will solve this issue. Spent the money on finding the culprits who did 911.

  • This is ridiculous & beyond childishly insane. Just admit mass hysteria already. Is that in the Masters vocabulary. They are human arent they? Are they suffering as paranoid leaders of post traumatic stress disorder. I think all government agents & employees should undergo intensive & immediate psychological testing. Remember when we were cavemen & walked around naked? No one had a problem for uhmm THOUSANDS OF YEARS FFS. So either get help, grow up or get naked & plastic sheets for the seats.

  • I will never fly again until this bullshit ends.

  • @themightymightyone To bad our gov’t doesn’t learn from their past mistakes or take wisdom from the Great people who once did their job properly

  • Yeah…a close friend of mine is a pre-op transgender, and has recently sworn off airplane travel. I wonder why.

  • CFL, good job on this vid.

  • steelbreeze420

    July 16, 2011 at 2:50 pm

    Hey MO MCGOWAN..since your so fucking flipping about violating our rights, which one of YOURS can we violate? Typical Fucking Govt Stooge….Justifying his own existence by fucking us

  • America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Abraham Lincoln

  • The little girl screaming, “DON’T TOUCH ME” made my blood boil. I don’t care who you are, touch my daughter and i will kill you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Why don’t they make Janet Napolitano go through the scanner & get groped?

  • I grew up in the 1960’s and 1970’s and never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that our own government would regress to this kind of fascism simply to allow a few government officials such as Michael Chertoff to profit from the sale of x-ray scanners from a company like Rapiscan. And what is even most amazing is that most American people have become very obedient mindless sheep.

  • P0LICEstateWATCH

    July 16, 2011 at 5:37 pm

    Just disgusting, I can’t even watch what we’ve been reduced to- with the hands up in total submission. I won’t fly, but I suppose big sis and the feds are fine with that. They’ll just nationalize the airlines, a further control one’s ability to travel (to save the earth, of course).
    We have to do better than just find a way for officials and frequent fliers to avoid this theft of dignity. If the government can get under our clothes and the public thinks it’s fine, we’re already out to pasture.

  • themightymightyone

    July 16, 2011 at 5:37 pm

    “It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.” Thomas Paine

  • themightymightyone

    July 16, 2011 at 6:24 pm

    “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Abraham Lincoln

  • If I get selected for additional screening when I travel this holiday, I’m gonna fart in the TSA agent’s face as they crouch down and pat down my legs and ass.

  • Combine this scan with your facial/facts recongition file… (Look up this technology if you are ignorant of what is going on) and the NSA has your numbers.. Who are the real “terrorists?” Now our children are being conditioned to be treated like war camp detainees and do anything to be “Safe” What is your definition of “Persuit of happiness” or “Secure in your person & effects?” Check out Israeli airport security methods.. worlds most effective..using “profiling” and conduct.. Imagine that..

  • campusliberty1

    July 16, 2011 at 7:34 pm

    Hey TSA don’t touch my junk!

  • mikaelstoneface

    July 16, 2011 at 8:08 pm

    TSA: All I want for Christmas is for you to grab my balls. Please? Come on, just one pee pee touch?

  • Dogs is the answer. They can siff anything without your junk being touched. Ask what the FBI, Iraq soldiers What they use “DOGS”


  • this shit has to stop

  • margoliesmedia

    July 16, 2011 at 10:30 pm

    5:25 …. oh the ignorance. wake up people, you’re allowing your country to rape the world with the money they have stolen from you.

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