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Third Party Presidential Debate (Full Video)

Third Party Presidential Debate with candidates Ralph Nader and The Constitution Party’s Chuck Baldwin
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 comments on “Third Party Presidential Debate (Full Video)

  • dannyferrary666

    April 19, 2011 at 10:58 pm

    ha pocodot

  • Nader is too inteligent and mentally strong for Baldwin. Nader is the absolute best third party candidate. I do think Ron Paul would be best overall and Nader is always an asset in consumer protection. He is a lot more inteligent than people give him credit for.

  • Baldwin sounds like Bill Clinton…

  • TheMethadoneParty

    April 20, 2011 at 12:25 am

    @DadoPennsylvania ha ha ha good one

  • America could have saved itself and the rest of humanity by electing Nader/Gonzalez to the Whitehouse in 2008. Why don’t we EVER learn from the past, why don’t we EVER learn from our mistakes, why are we so out of touch with Reality, why do we keep electing Bush-Clone Corporate-Whore Neocons (THEY ARE ALL THE SAME NO MATTER IF THEY CALL THEMSELVES REPUBLICANS FROM GOP REPUBLICAN PARTY OR DEMOCRATS FROM THE DEMOCRAT PARTY). They are ALL Lobbyists for Corporations and AIPAC.

    Nader/Gonzalez 2012

  • ” None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free”
    – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    “The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars and criminals; the men they detest most are those who try to tell them the truth.”
    – Henry Louis Mencken
    “The only difference between the GOP & DEMs is the velocity with which their knees hit the floor when Corporations, War Industry, Neocons/Zionist Right-Wingers and AIPAC knock at the door.”
    – Ralph Nader

  • Chuck Baldwin is a Right-Wing Christian Theocrat and NOT a Constitutionalist & Libertarian like Ron Paul..
    nolanchart. com/article4975.html
    yesumulungi. com/index.php/apostasy-watch/373-pastor-chuck-baldwin-tea-bag-party-evangelicals-and-the-lies.html
    Ralph Nader IS THE ONLY REALIST..
    youtube. com/watch?v=u5WiE6MnmCM
    youtube. com/watch?v=dmZpSCMBy4k
    democracynow. org/2007/7/9/ralph_nader_on_the_candidates_corporate
    freespeech. org/video/keynote-ralph-nader

  • @dowshipwigga

    or the constitution party.

  • captinseperoth

    April 20, 2011 at 3:41 am


    USA will recover,and this will be a lesson.

    what really needs to be done,is dump all the government created public jobs such as road construction crews,and get them all to be rehired under private businesses,& split them up into hundreds of small businesses.

    Those who are unfit for the job or are just plain lazy will be out of the door.

    Those who are real workers,and can get the job done should stay and be rewarded for working hard.

    makes things efficient and cheap for public

  • @captinseperoth : there’s nobody disagreeing with your point about business or capitalism: Nader himself makes your exact point at 20:54 – but the problem lies in the small percentage of disaster capitalists who brought this carnage on all of us, and then turned to socialism in the form of government handouts with taxpayers money to bail them out. In fact you could argue that the private bankers of the fed reserve have been living off social welfare in the form of US tax dollars since 1913.

  • @captinseperoth : there’s nobody disagreeing with your point about business or capitalism: Nader himself makes your exact point at 20:54 – but the problem lies in the small percent age of disaster capitalists who brought this carnage on all of us, and then turned to socialism in the form of government handouts with taxpayers money to bail them out. In fact the private bankers of the federal reserve have been living off social welfare in the form of US tax dollars since 1913.

  • @DadoPennsylvania The freedom talk is all rhetoric. We like in a corrupt corporatist regime. At least the top 5 parties should be allowed to debate but that will never happen here.

  • Both people on the right and left are being oppressed by this two party dictatorship. If you consider yourself to be a true conservative, stop supporting the neo-cons and support the libertarian party. If your a true liberal stop supporting the neo-libs and support the intellectuals like Ralph Nader, Barney Frank and Bernie Sanders.

  • ElisabethShockma

    April 20, 2011 at 6:53 am

    would like the constitutional party if it was not for the religious bigotry. everyone has his or her own path and “no one” should be able to dictate that especially the ruling governmental body. That is one of the reasons that US of America was founded.

  • ladyartemas912

    April 20, 2011 at 7:26 am

    As William Blake said: “I must Create a system or be enslaved by another man’s. I will not reason and compare, my business is to create.” As Patrick Henry said: “Give me Liberty or Give Me Death.” That’s all I have to say for now.

  • Obama IS BUSH: He Gave ALL Tax-payer money to Corporations & Israel -Renewed Patriot Act, Gave Nukes to Israel -Renewed Emergency Powers Act-Expanded AND Created New Wars-Expanded use of Mercenaries -Cover-ups & Continuation of ALL Bush Crimes & NO Bush Investigations -Drone Attacks on Civilians -Police state, Internet Off-switch, Spends Like Bush, NO Financial Reform, NO Transparency, NO Integrity -Continues Wiretapping &Guantanamo, GOP Slave -No Diplomacy, NO Public financing, NO Public Option

  • i’m running in the party that ralph nader ran on in 2008, Peace and freedom party.

    30th district Ca, Richard CAstaldo

    castaldo forcongress


  • captinseperoth

    April 20, 2011 at 9:13 am

    it’s kinda funny how people mock this great country and say it’s capitalist,and it’s wrong. Yet our founding fathers created a country that’s based on business.

    Sure there are some ugly spots in our capitalistic ways….

    but don’t you dare forget Franklin got into politics for a large part,benefiting his printing business….

    Business is a great thing! One most remember that 80 percent of business in America is not the super corporate,yet more of small business

  • @billygoat16 Good God that would be amazing. Of course it wouldn’t matter because all the GOP pundits would yell out their talking points all over the news networks ad nauseam to brain wash and scare just enough americans to vote for them. We’re screwed.

  • @captinseperoth If only…. BOTH parties are controlled by corporate America, thus making them fascists.

  • EskyTerrestrial

    April 20, 2011 at 9:49 am

    Chuck Baldwin: “Fuck, I’m voting for Nader.”

  • @captinseperoth they are the same shit….

  • @duck24x

    no no no no


    The ideologies associated with the far right are fascism, Nazism, racial supremacists


    Ideologies associated with the far left include: Leninism, Trotskyism, Luxemburgism, Left communism, Council communism, Maoism, Titoism, revolutionary socialism, and veganarchism

    so what do prefer then?

  • GovernmentSham912

    April 20, 2011 at 11:21 am

    thank God for cspan

  • it would be a dream come true to watch Nader take on Palin or McCain or Rudy in a debate… it would be a floor mopping!

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