Home » Freedom of Religion » Christopher Hitchens at Freedom From Religion Foundation 2/7

Christopher Hitchens at Freedom From Religion Foundation 2/7

Christopher Hitchens gives a speech at the Freedom From Religion Foundation after receiving an award. This is from October 12, 2007.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 comments on “Christopher Hitchens at Freedom From Religion Foundation 2/7

  • Hitchens is great! Religious nuts will un-make our world. For related laughs, watch “Religious freak tries to convert Atheist.” on my channel.

  • @williemetoyer23 As for your closing “statement”.. Simple minded attempt to write off Christian beliefs? My reasons for dismissing them as the nonsense that they are is far from simple minded, but the term “fairy tales” goes a long way to describing how i view the stories contained within the Bible. Because it’s simply what they are… the fact you have been taken in ny them quite obviously makes you the simple minded one of us.

  • @williemetoyer23 … not the other way around. Actually, i can almost guarantee that Hitchens knows more about your own religion than you do. He doesn’t attend these discussions and debates without a sound knowledge base… a man of his profession would never put his reputation on the line without having garnered many, many, many facts… too many for you to grasp. I would trust in what Hitchens says over a Priest, a Rabbi or an Imam any day.

  • @williemetoyer23 You really don’t have much of a clue do you?
    What’s this “truth” about sin that you speak of? To prove sin you must first prove heaven and hell. You’ve got one post to do that before i become disinterested.
    Hitchens clearly understands the notion of sin.. a four year old can for christ sake.. but Hitchens, like most grown ups, dismisses it easily as a complete load of nonsense.
    And i wish you lot would understand that the emphasis is on YOU to prove God DOES exist….

  • williemetoyer23

    December 3, 2010 at 9:02 am

    @mrface19 how can he understand sin when denies the truths about sin and you think he is so cleaver he does not disprove the existence of god he just proves he does not believe in god and most of his proof in this video him complaining about enternity because its hard to grasp which is why it takes faith and your simple minded attempt to write off christian beliefs off as fairy tales shows how little you and hitchens really know about the exsistance of God

  • @williemetoyer23 Actually, his North Korea analogy is pretty much spot on.

    And you claim Hitchens doesn’t understand sin? Are you for real? Of course he understands it… he’s just too intelligent to take it seriously. He, like most clever people, regards sin as a purely religious concept that has no bearing on real life outside of fairy tales.

  • williemetoyer23

    December 3, 2010 at 9:34 am

    @mrface19 you miss understand my point Hitchens tries to use north korea as a example of how god works wich is to say that he thinks that you are held hostage like a person living in north korea but he dis misses free will and does not understand the nature of sin

  • @williemetoyer23 Apparently, God had to use an Earthly example as well in Jesus.

    Or… the whole thing’s a load of shit.

  • @schmendriks hitchens uses earthly exsamples of heaven which shows how he does not understand god heaven and hell and religion

  • @williemetoyer23 explain why you fool, bet you cant you fuck

  • Reasoning is the reason many will follow this man to the very end. Man always exalts his own intelligence. To be decieved is exactly what it means. It means to think your right, through reasoning, when you are wrong. This man and all men like him are more than likely affiliated with Aluminatti, who openly deny God, but in secret worship the devil.

  • @4567pic so your advice is ignorance is bliss

  • @williemetoyer23 No willie I don’t have all the answers. However, the difference between us is that I don’t use magic and the untestable, unknowable, unrepeatable to explain the world around me. Life becomes much simpler from my standpoint, you should give it a try.

  • williemetoyer23

    December 3, 2010 at 1:41 pm

    wow to compare heaven with north korea stupid and blaspemy

  • williemetoyer23

    December 3, 2010 at 2:21 pm

    @4567pic so you have all the answers to life I suppose

  • Reason is intelligence.

    Happy Holidays.

  • @mumtaz08 ?? WTF ?? … piss off you sperm-burping Eurotrash mofo piece of shit

  • @roscoe85cj :
    I have faith, its just not as weak as urs, christian-jesus cocksucker!

  • What a crock of $h*t. How is violence counter-productive to corporations like Halliburton, who thrive on the absolute destruction of countries?

  • GaiusIuliusTaberna

    December 3, 2010 at 4:43 pm

    @roscoe85cj Praise sol invictus the unconquerable sun god of syria that was born on December 25th according to the pagan romans who justifiably executed the Judean zealot Yeshua Ben Yosef, (himself born in the spring if at all) who if he lived today would be on the no fly list and run the risk of a hate crime in the bible belt at the hands of those guilty of numerous offenses against chastity with animals and members of their immediate family.

  • Merry Christmas ye all of little faith

  • It is my postulation that christianity, islam, and the monotheistic faiths prevalent today are simply a result of the darwinistic process. Throughout time the weaker faiths with more gaping holes have been pushed to extinction, and the most adaptable faiths remain, yet they are only on borrowed time as well. Religious ideals are subject to all the same pressures as everything else. Eventually there will come a tipping point where people look at this stuff and say ” how stupid is this”.

  • “Due to a ruling by the Supreme Court, I am told that saying a Prayer in a public facility is a violation of Federal Case Law. BUT I can use it to condone sexual promiscuity, If someone is offended, that’s OK.I can use, videos and presentations in the classroom that depict people with strong,Christian values as “ignorant”and call it “enlightenment.”But, if I use a facility to ask GOD to Bless an event., then Fed Case Law is violated.This is inconsistent at best, at worst, diabolical.

  • let me take a crack at it 😀

    Live the right way by being rational in all things. Follow your own long term rational self interest in all things. This is the moral foundation of capitalism, a system in which violence is ounterproductive to all parties.

  • KDO – its differerent. It would be illegal and immoral to have an authority figure lead a prayer to god… for example, which god? Why not equal time for Allah?

    Do you understand that one reason Xianity does so well in the USA is PRECISELY BECAUSE the government (including the public school system) cannot advocate for one religion over another?

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