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Iran and the Future of American Power

Hillary Mann Leverett has more than 20 years of academic, legal, business, diplomatic, and policy experience working on Middle Eastern issues. In the Bush Administration, Ms. Leverett worked as the Director for Iran, Afghanistan and Persian Gulf Affairs at the National Security Council, Middle East specialist on the Secretary of State’s Policy Planning Staff, and as Political Advisor for Middle East and Central Asian issues for the US Mission to the United Nations. From 2001-2003, she was one of a small number of US diplomats authorized to negotiate with the Iranians over Afghanistan, al-Qa’ida, and Iraq. In September 2009, Ms. Leverett launched the web site RaceForIran.com that offers perspectives on Iran and its geopolitics. We talk with Ms. Leverett about Iran and the future of American power.

Puritan Religion On Early American Literature

The Influence of Puritanism on American Literature


Religion can be defined as a belief or a perception that follows certain moral code of ethics from a certain cultural or social perspective. It is sense of worship and faith in the holy doctrines of any community and identity. From the historical point of view, Puritan of 16th and 17th century in England was whoever wanted to seek sanctity i.e. purity of worship and doctrine, this happened mostly on the parties that opposed the reformation of the Church of England. Some believed to justify separation from the England Church because of the Elizabethan Religious Settlement. This resulted to puritans through historians and criticism. However, only some Puritans preferred separating from the English Church, which was currently under King James I. Most Puritans only wanted to change certain aspects of the church.

The word puritan is derived from pure or holy. It was originally used to describe certain century sect of strictly legalistic characters. Currently, the word Puritan is now applied unevenly to a number of Protestant churches from the late 16th century to the present. Puritans were originally being abused through the term. It was a term of abuse that first surfaced in the late sixteen century. It was an abusive in that precise men were not fallible what is contrary to a true society. The word Puritan thus always referred to a type of religious belief, rather than a particular religious sect. To reflect that the term encompasses a variety of ecclesiastical bodies and theological positions, scholars today increasingly prefer to use the term as a common noun or adjective. puritan rather than Puritan.

Rise of influence

Although, all influenced by Calvinism, Puritans were varied on Church organization because it was believed that they were intelligent and more knowledgeable. [1]This reflects the rise of the movement, which developed through several periods. Puritans shared a doctrine that all existing churches had rotten behaviors in practice. First, there was contact with roman pagan civilizations and secondly embracing deeds and likeness of kings and popes. They all proposed for a restructuring and purifying of church practice through biblical supremacy and the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers in order to avoid corrupted practices.

Because the puritans were regarded as simply the informed, committed and relatively co-radical Protestants, they wanted the Church of England to resemble more closely the Protestant churches of Geneva by abandoning by decision some malpractices. This is because Puritans objected to ornaments and ritual in churches such as vestments, musical organs, and genuflection. They regarded this ritual worship as idolatrous, denouncing them as popish imitation and rags.  They also objected to ecclesiastical courts. They refused to endorse completely all of the ritual deeds and formulas of the Book of Common recite. The imposition of its liturgical order by legal force and inspection are some of the misdeeds that accelerated Puritanism into a definite opposition movement. These radical movements were ignored by the dominant faction in the Church of England and were given the name Puritan, in mockery of the radicals’ apparent obsession of sanctifying the Church.

Due to their aggressive belief, Puritans became instrumental in a number of new sectors. They operated and dominated the export and import business. Puritans were eager to colonize the New World. This was accelerated by the flourishing of the trans-Atlantic trade with America; Puritans in England became very wealthy. Similarly, this influenced the artisan classes to become increasingly Puritan. Therefore, the economic issues of the English Civil War that included tax levies, liberalization of royal charters etc, the political issues of the English Civil War i.e. purchasing of peerages, increasing discontent between the House of Lords and the people, rebellion over the attempt to introduce a Divine right of kings by Charles I), and the religious tensions were all bound together into a general dispute that pitted Church of England Cavaliers against Puritan Roundheads.

Modern influence in American literature

Some of the modern influences in American literature include

1) Cultural awareness:

Cultural awareness can be defined as the personal development of understanding and sensitivity of other ethnicities or ethnic groups. It usually involves the person as an individual since it involve personal changes in terms of attitudes and values. Cultural awareness as such also refers or involves the quality of flexibility and openness that people or groups of persons develop in relation to other people. For cultural awareness to be existent it must be supported or supplemented by cultural knowledge and cultural sensitivity.

Cultural knowledge thus is the familiarization with certain or selected cultural characteristics. These may include cultural behaviors, belief systems, values and history. According to Franklin, for his part, provided an important literary bridge between the late Colonial and early National periods of American intellectual culture. Franklin’s Autobiography, the sort of self-improvement tract preferred by the early Puritans, used formulaic conventions of the spiritual autobiography borrowed from them while espousing his own worldly wisdoms. Franklin, who’s Do-good work of 1722 echoed Cotton Maher’s Boniface’s of 1710, expropriated the Protestant/Puritan work ethic to serve his secular humanism, which embraced the ethical morality of Puritanism and modernized it in the process, making it possible for subsequent generations of American readers to inherit the ethical legacy of Puritanism without having to embrace its spiritual believes.

This ethical legacy, as elaborated by Clifford Ship ton, includes a tradition of dissent, which obviates as being historical any notion of a Puritan orthodoxy. One of Puritanism’s chief tenets was expressed in the favorite Biblical text of New England ministers, enjoining us to call no man father. A theological egalitarianism, which decreed as its primary requirement an individual experience of God’s grace, ramified into an underappreciated emphasis on freedom of the mind, a freedom that was unique then, and which today is far from universal.

Cultural sensitivity is defined as the human trait of knowing that there do exist cultural similarities as well as differences and in addition of this accepting them without assigning values to those cultural differences e.g. good or bad or right and wrong.

Issues of cultural awareness are realized and deeply felt by minority groups or groups that have been discriminated against. Being a southerner and an African-American for that matter there is a lot that one has to consider. This is due to the fact that African-Americans and especially those of the former southern territories have faced discrimination and segregation for a long time. It is within my region that the fight against the Jim Crow laws was strongest and in advocating for our rights we had to lose some of ours like martin Luther king.

Being an African-Methodist Christian follower, this means that there is still some form of segregation I will still face from the wider community especially from non African-Americans within my locality.

African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States whose ancestral homes are mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. African Americans just like many other ethnic groups in the United States migrated into the United States for over the last decade. Unlike other immigrants African Americans in the United States did not migrate into the United States out of their own volition.


The earliest African American immigrants in the United States were actually slaves who were shipped into the United States in order for them to work in white plantation farms. Most of these were usually captured forcefully  and then sold to slave merchants along the east African and west African coast and then traded to slave ships and brought across the Atlantic ocean in what was famously referred to as the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Although a majority of African Americans have an African ancestry there are around 17% of African Americans who have a European ancestry and there is still a significant group that have an Indian or Native American ancestry.

African Americans have found themselves segregated against when it comes to the family unit where for a long time many other ethnic communities in the United States sometimes considered inter-marriages to African Americans a crime and sometimes they would even kill their kinsmen if they were found out to be involved with African Americans. Besides this African Americans have faced vigilante violence especially in the form of lynching during the Jim Crow era. The Jim Crow era is a period of time when the Jim Crow laws were in existence.

2) Gender roles

Cultural identifications have always had a direct impact on gender roles within the American ethnic group. Within the culture there are roles that are reserved for males and females alike.[2] Although due to modern changes these roles are increasingly becoming universal. Initially women were supposed to cook and maintain the houses while the men were supposed to maintain or provide household security. In addition men are supposed to pull out chairs for their spouses in dinner parties as well as open car and house doors for them. On the other side women were supposed to serve their men first before serving themselves. Family life as the holy bible states, according to Puritan belief, the order of creation were simple and good i.e. the world was created for mans benefit, and the man was created for God. It is argued that God did not create the world with some beings being more equal than others or subordinate to others, he applied the same principle to his creation of human society. Therefore, the Puritans honored hierarchy among men as divine order. This order presupposed God’s appointment of mankind to live in Societies in the order of family, secondly church, and lastly the Common-wealth. Order in the family was a fundamental structured Puritan belief. Puritans usually migrated to New England as a family unit, a pattern different from other colonies where young, single men often came on their own. Puritan men of the generation of the Great Migration (1630–1640) believed that a good Puritan wife did not linger in Britain but encouraged her husband in his great service to God. This is a believe that is widely embraced in American literature.

The importance of social order has great foundation in the superiority of husband over wife, parents over children, and masters over servants in the family. Puritan marriage choices were influenced by young people’s inclination, parents, and by the social status of the persons involved. Upon finding a suitable match, husband and wife in America followed the necessary steps to legitimize their marriage under several clauses in the American constitution. This include legality of the matter like  a contract, comparable to today’s practice of engagement, secondly, the proclamation of this contract to the world, thirdly there is the execution of the contract at a church and involvement of the church congregation. Fourth, a celebration of the event at the home of the groom and the sexual intercourse and child bearing. For example, the complex question of the connection between the culture of modern USA and the world of puritans continue to be the part of wide research on nation identity. And within the wide set issues concerning the subject of the matter surrounding marriage, sexuality and the gender identity. Much has to be done in order to unfold the attitude toward sexuality and gender in American history. There is analysis of pre purposive dichotomy between puritan’s studies and the study of American rich ethic diversity. The essay indicates some of the psychological, racial and social –economic consequences toward certain attitude concerning sex and sexuality that appear to be derived from puritan’s beginning. A case or sex scandal involving Bill Clinton and Lewinsky illustrates the continuity impact of puritan structure of imagination on the natural culture, shifts and developments of legacies.

It is believed that problems with consummation can terminate a marriage especially if a groom proved impotent, the contract between the couple dissolved through an enactment enforced by the courts. The courts could also enforce the duty of a husband to support his wife, as English Common Law provided that when a woman married, she gave all her property to her husband and abide as per marital obligations, losing her separate civil identity in the welfare of a husband. In so doing, she legally accepted her role as managing her husband’s household, fulfilling her duty of being at home, helping in  educating her children, keeping and improving what is got by the work of the husband.

In Puritan united state of America, the family was the fundamental unit of society, the place where Puritans emphasized and perfected religious, ethical, and social values and expectations of the community at large. The English Puritan William Gouge indicated that a family is a little Church, and a little common-wealth as is currently regarded and at least a lively representation thereof, whereby trial may be made of such as are fit for any place of authorities, or of subjection in Church or commonwealth. Or rather it can be regarded as a school wherein the first principles and grounds of rules and regulations are learned and observed whereby men are fitted to greater matters in Church or common-wealth analogy. The great relationships within the nuclear family, along with interactions between the family and the larger community, distinguished Puritans from other early inhabitants. Moral authority and obedience characterized the relationship between Puritan parents and their children. The importance of Proper love meant proper discipline. In every society essentially without police, the family was the basic unit of control and supervision. It is believed that disciplining disobedient children mostly was derived from a spiritual concern. This system resulted to setting of some clauses to protect the rights of children, elders, and citizens at large. This is a system that is highly embraced in American society. It is known that a breakdown in family rule indicated a disregard of God’s order. As cited in the quotation, Fathers and mothers have ‘disordered and disobedient children, said the Puritan Richard Green ham, because they have been disobedient children to the Lord and disordered to their parents when they were young. Thus disobedient parents meant disobedient children. Because the duty of early childcare fell almost exclusively on women, a woman’s salvation necessarily depended upon the observable goodness of her child.

3) Relationship to authority

The African-American culture has always taught all individuals to be respectful of others. By doing this everyone would play a role in mitigating or preventing social violence and conflicts. In addition by being respectful one would be respected in return and one would be revered within the society.

4) Expressions of affection

There is also the issue of the expression of affections. In this field people are supposed to behave in a certain mode when it comes to personal relationships. Depending on the nature and or age of somebody there is a way or a certain code that needs to be followed when dealing with them. The way a person greets his age mates and or friends is not the same way that a person greets his/her elders and or parents. In addition to this there is a limit on the level of Pads (public display of affection) that one is supposed to display in public. Hugging, pecking or light kisses arte allowed

but long deep kisses are not allowed to be exposed in public areas especially in areas where there are little children.

Child-parent relationships (including discipline) Puritans connected the discipline of a child to later readiness for conversion. Accordingly, parents attempted to check their affectionate feelings toward a disobedient child, at least after the child was about two years old, in order to break his or her will. This suspicious regard of “fondness” and heavy emphasis on obedience placed complex pressures on the Puritan mother. While Puritans expected mothers to care for their young children tenderly, a mother who doted could be accused of failing to keep God present. Furthermore, Puritan belief prescribed that a father’s more distant governance check the mother’s tenderness once a male child reached the age of 6 or 7 so that he could bring the child to God’s authority.

The home gave women the freedom to exercise religious and moral authority, performing duties not open to them in public (recall that after the banishment of Anne Hutchinson, most congregations did not permit women to speak in church). The Puritan family structure at once encouraged some measure of female authority while supporting family patriarchy.

Concerning discipline there is an acceptable or set limit on the way and or who should discipline children. The way children are disciplined goes along way in determining what kind of a person the child will be when they grow up. These children are made to understand that when they err they will have to be disciplined to bring them back on track. Through this process children are made to understand that they should always act in the right way to avoid being punished.

5) Importance of time

To succeed in life one must always accomplish his/her tasks on time. This message has been highly emphasized within the African-American culture. As a result everyone who needs to be successful needs to understand and plan his/ her time well in order to accomplish their tasks on time. The issue of sleeping too much is prohibited since it only works in making somebody poorer and poorer.

5) Centrality of religion

Within the African-American culture the issue of religion is highly emphasized. Being a Christian, Christianity teaches us that we should always put god first in all our endeavors. This will help us to be successful in life and in addition he will protect us from evils that may come our way. Everyone has a right to belong to a certain culture. Although I would like to associate more with the African American culture, I will have to recognize the fact that the American society is multiracial and thus I have to equally relate not only to the African American culture but I also have to identify with the general American culture. The central tenet of Puritanism was God’s supreme authority over human affairs, particularly in the church, and especially as expressed in the Bible. This view led them to seek both individual and corporate conformance to the teaching of the Bible, and it led them to pursue both moral purity down to the smallest detail as well as ecclesiastical purity to the highest level.

The words of the Bible were the origin of many Puritan cultural ideals, especially regarding the roles of men and women in the community. While both sexes carried the stain of original sin, for a girl, original sin suggested more than the roster of Puritan character flaws. Eve’s corruption, in Puritan eyes, extended to all women, and justified marginalizing them within churches’ hierarchical structures. An example is the different ways that men and women were made to express their conversion experiences. For full membership, the Puritan church insisted not only that its congregants lead godly lives and exhibit a clear understanding of the main tenets of their Christian faith, but they also must demonstrate that they had experienced true evidence of the workings of God’s grace in their souls. Only those who gave a convincing account of such a conversion could be admitted to full church membership. Women were not permitted to speak in church after 1636 (although they were allowed to engage in religious discussions outside of it, in various women-only meetings), thus could not narrate their conversions.

6) Educational goals

Institutional racism or discrimination is not foreign to American culture. African Americans have been on the receiving end and they have been highly affected by it. On this perspective many African Americans have faced many occupational and educational disadvantages due to ingrained stereotypical views that are still deeply rooted in the American society like blacks are inherently criminals. This has denied many African Americans many privileges enjoyed by other races like a good education, the best occupations as well as a just legal structure. Education

As John Winthrop sailed toward New England in 1630, he exhorted his fellow passengers that the settlement of New England would be like a “City upon a Hill,” a pure community of Christians who would set an example to the rest of the world. To achieve this goal, the colony leaders would educate all Puritans. These men of letters, who viewed themselves as a part of an international world, had attended Oxford or Cambridge (mostly Cambridge) and could communicate with intellectuals all over Europe. Just six years after the first large migration, colony leaders founded Harvard College.

By the 1670s, all New England colonies (excepting Rhode Island) had passed legislation that mandated the literacy for children. In 1647, Massachusetts passed a law that required towns to hire a schoolmaster to teach writing. Different forms of schooling emerged, ranging from the “dame” or “reading” school, a form of instruction conducted by women in their private homes for small children, to “Latin” schools, a school for boys already literate in English and ready to master grammar through Latin, Hebrew, and Greek. Reading schools would often be the single source of education for girls, whereas boys would leave their reading mistresses to go to the town grammar schools. Indeed, gender largely determined educational practices. Women introduced all children to reading, and men taught boys in higher pursuits. Since girls could play no role in the ministry, and since grammar schools were designed to “instruct youth so far as they may be fitted for the university,” Latin grammar schools did not accept girls (nor did Harvard). Evidence mostly suggests that even in the less ambitious town schools, the lower-tier writing-reading schools mandated for townships of over fifty families, girls could not attend.


He enraged the Puritan leaders by criticizing both their intolerance (2007) retrieved on 21st September

Learning of the Puritan Divines (2007) retrieved on 21st September

Puritan reformed spiritually (1993) retrieved on 21st September

Puritan literature attempted to represent life truly (2007) retrieved on 21st September

W. P. Trent, & C. Van Doreen (2006) colonial and revolutionary literature, Oxford publishers, Cambridge. Volume XV





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Related Freedom Of Religion Articles

Q&A: Do the American scam religions exploit with impunity the freedom of religion laws in various countries?

Question by Desiree: Do the American scam religions exploit with impunity the freedom of religion laws in various countries?
Do you think when the founders of different countries made their constitutions or codes of ethics regarding religion, they never realized that American scam religions would eventually be concocted and spread around the world like cancer, targeting vulnerable people and doing so in full compliance with the law? Do you think if they were aware of this, they would have done something to prevent it? Like, would they have written, “People have freedom of religion except for American scam religions which are hereby outlawed”? And everybody knows which religions are American scam religions, right?

Best answer:

Answer by No Chance Without Jesus
No one exploits it more than the democratic party.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

American Heritage Hand Delivers “History Care Package” to Political Leaders, Urging Compromise To Avoid Default

American Heritage Hand Delivers “History Care Package” to Political Leaders, Urging Compromise To Avoid Default

Washington, DC (PRWEB) July 27, 2011

Many debates in American history have been every bit as divisive as today’s clash over the debt ceiling. The Constitutional Convention was so bitterly divided that 17 of 55 representatives did not sign the final draft.

To find out what can we learn from past moments when politicians were locked in irreconcilable differences, the editors of American Heritage Magazine asked five top historians to look at how major figures in American history dealt with bitter conflicts. These experts concurred that compromise — although messy — was the only vehicle that enabled the country to move forward at key moments.

Supporting this conclusion, a survey just sent by American Heritage to 7,000 of its 500,000 readers indicated widespread agreement that opposite sides should be flexible. Over 75 percent of readers felt that “both sides should give up something to reach an agreement” in the debate over raising the debt ceiling, while only 25 percent agreed that “some issues are too important for compromise.”

Respondents to the survey included a nearly equal number of Republicans, Democrats and Independents.

This week, American Heritage hand-delivered the results of its reader survey and the five essays in a “CARE Package” for America’s top political leaders to help them navigate through today’s challenges.

If history is any guide, we should not expect the resolution of the debt ceiling crisis to please all of our citizens. James Madison, the most stalwart architect of the Constitution, wrote in dismay to his old friend Thomas Jefferson in Paris that “the plan should it be adopted will neither effectively answer the national object nor prevent … local mischiefs.”

“In a crisis like the current one over the debt ceiling, neither side will emerge a total winner,” said Edwin S. Grosvenor, Editor-in-Chief of American Heritage. “But compromise is usually the only way out. Although Millard Fillmore was not one of our most astute Presidents, I think his description of compromise as the ‘equality of dissatisfaction’ is apt.”

The five moments looked into by American Heritage experts were:

    Compromise 1: The U.S. Constitution, by Joseph J. Ellis
    The framers would never have written and ratified the Constitution without major compromises.

    Compromise 2: Missouri, Slave or Free? by Daniel Walker Howe
    On the question of whether Missouri should be admitted to the Union as a free or slave state in 1820, creative moderates brokered an ingenious compromise that averted civil war.

    Compromise 3: Clay and the 1850 Debate, by Robert V. Remini
    Fistfights broke out in Congress in 1850 over whether the territories just won in the Mexican War should be slave or free—and only a last-minute series of compromises prevented catastrophe. Civil war was postponed for a decade, during which the North grew strong enough to ultimately win the war.

    Compromise 4: Whittling Down The New Deal, by David M. Kennedy
    Compromise upon compromise whittled FDR’s dreams down considerably, but enabled him to pass his Social Security Act, perhaps the most sweeping social reform of the 20th century.

    Compromise 5: Medicare’s Complicated Birth, by Robert Dallek
    LBJ was able to pass federal insurance for seniors with shrewd politics and a large dose of compromise.

While our nation’s leaders struggle to reach an agreement to avoid a Federal default on the national debt, they might want to think back over these examples in American history.

Whatever happens on the debt ceiling crisis, most of us will be as unhappy as Ben Franklin at the Constitution Convention. “I confess that I do not entirely approve of this Constitution at present,” said Franklin. “I consent…because I expect no better and because I am not sure that it is not the best.”

About American Heritage:

American Heritage Magazine is the oldest and most respected history magazine in America, and recently celebrated its 60th Anniversary. Launched in 1949, it quickly grew to become the nation’s preeminent history magazine overseen by Founding Editor Bruce Catton, who had just won the Pulitzer Prize for A Stillness at Appomattox. Over the years American Heritage has won many honors, including the National Magazine Award for General Excellence. American Heritage recently launched a new website at http://www.AmericanHeritage.com, with 13,000 articles written by nearly every famous historian of the last half century. The website also includes the innovative National Portal to Historic Collections, with thousands of artifacts online from nearly 100 museums across the U.S.

Below is attached a copy of the letter from American Heritage Editor-in-Chief Edwin S. Grosvenor that was sent to:

Speaker of the House John Boehner

Majority Leader Eric Cantor

Representative Kevin McCarthy

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi

Representative Steny Hoyer

Representative Jeb Hensarling

Representative John Larson

Representative James Clyburn

Representative Chris Van Hollen

Senator Benjamin Cardin

Senator Daniel Inouye

Senator Harry Reid

Senator Richard Durbin

Senator Mitch McConnell

Senator Jon Kyl

President Barack Obama

Dear Speaker Boehner:

I am writing you on behalf of the 500,000 readers of American Heritage, the most respected magazine on American history for six decades.

This week, an American Heritage survey revealed that 75 percent of readers felt that “both sides should give up something to reach an agreement” in the debate over raising the debt ceiling, while only 25 percent agreed that “some issues are too important for compromise.” Our readers are equally split among Republicans, Democrats and Independents whose patriotism drives them to study the lessons of history.

History shows us that when our nation faced real crises, even the bitterest of foes have been able to work together for the good of the country.

In fact, our country would probably not even exist if our Founding Fathers had not made major compromises at the Constitutional Convention. Dissatisfaction was so great with the Constitution that 17 of 55 attendees at the convention refused to sign. Benjamin Franklin wrote: “I consent, Sir, to this Constitution, because I expect no better and because I am not sure that it is not the best.”

In the enclosed issue, we assembled five top historians— four Pulitzer Prize-winning historians and the former official historian of the House of Representatives—to examine five critical moments in American history when compromise saved the day. The articles were:

     Compromise 1: The U.S. Constitution, by Joseph J. Ellis
    The framers would never have written and ratified the Constitution without major compromises.

    Compromise 2: Missouri, Slave or Free? by Daniel Walker Howe
    Over the question of whether Missouri should be admitted to the Union as a free or slave state in 1820, creative moderates brokered an ingenious compromise that averted civil war.

    Compromise 3: Clay and the 1850 Debate, by Robert V. Remini
    Fistfights broke out in Congress in 1850 over whether the territories just won in the Mexican War should be slave or free—and only a last-minute series of compromises prevented catastrophe.

    Compromise 4: Whittling Down The New Deal, by David M. Kennedy
    Compromise upon compromise whittled FDR’s dreams down considerably, but enabled him to pass his Social Security Act, perhaps the most sweeping social reform of the 20th century.

    Compromise 5: Medicare’s Complicated Birth, by Robert Dallek
    LBJ passes federal insurance for seniors with shrewd politics and a large dose of compromise.

At this historic moment, I hope that you find the enclosed issue useful as you work to solve the major

challenges facing our country today.


Edwin S. Grosvenor

President and Editor in Chief


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, Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.

Related The Constitution Press Releases

Freedom High School Joins with FreedomBands.com to Raise Money to support American Troops

Freedom High School Joins with FreedomBands.com to Raise Money to support American Troops

(PRWEB) April 20, 2005

The aptly named Freedom High School’s Student Government Association has teamed up with Freedombands.com maker of the colorful Freedom Bands. With the support of this Orlando High School, Freedombands.com hopes to jumpstart their drive to $ 25 million for the troops.

The idea behind Freedom Bands came from a family in Utah. Basing their product on the wildly successful Lance Armstrong “Live Strong” bands, they created Freedom Bands that show support for the US military. Kib and Lisa Jensen and their four children started the foundation in the home with a goal of raising $ 25 million to send to the soldiers and their families. They’re original red band has now been joined by five other colors and patterns. With the help of schools like Freedom High, they are stepping up sales on their new Freedom Bands.

Freedom Bands inscribed with “Life Liberty Freedom” are now available in red, brand-new white, blue, swirl, camouflage and glow-in the dark. The more prominent black lettering of these new Freedom Bands allows wearers to clearly show their support for our American troops.

The proceeds from the sale of Freedom Bands is used 100% to support the US troops and their families back home, but they also give all Americans a reminder of the daily sacrifice out soldiers make and allow the wearer to show a visible sign of their support.

“It does not matter what party you belong to. These bands are to support those who fight for our country and say we are proud to be American,” says Lisa Jensen.

Freedom High is only the latest in the list of high schools, radio and television stations , as well as the troops themselves, who have generously bought and distributed the Freedom Bands, leading to the $ 30,000 that has been raised and donated to charities and organizations devoted to helping soldiers and their families. FreedomBand donations have already been made to the American Red Cross, USA Cares, Armed Forces Children’s Education Fund, the Fisher House Foundation and A Million Thanks.

For more information on what Freedom High plans to do with the bands, contact the school or Freedombands.com.


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, Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.

Q&A: What does the American constitution say about forcing people to pay for services?

Question by Yonx Zoop: What does the American constitution say about forcing people to pay for services?
Apparently according to some people on here the American government doesn’t have the power to charge people for health care because the constitution says that they can’t force people to buy things off them but how is this any different to police?
I’m not American but then again I haven’t read the constitution for my own country.
Anyway, how is this any different to police?

Best answer:

Answer by James
Congress has the power to set taxes.

Give your answer to this question below!

Q&A: How was the American Constitution a radical departure from the Articles of Confederation?

Question by Lovely Holic: How was the American Constitution a radical departure from the Articles of Confederation?
How did the american constitution change into the Articles of Confederation? Was it more effective that it did change for the good of America?

Best answer:

Answer by staisil
The Constitution gave a lot more power to the Federal Government. The Articles favored the individual states.

What do you think? Answer below!

Muhammad Ali Center Facilitates Dialogue Concerning American Pows/Mias

Muhammad Ali Center Facilitates Dialogue Concerning American Pows/Mias

Louisville, KY (PRWEB) October 19, 2006

The Muhammad Ali Center (http://www.alicenter.org) in downtown Louisville hosted a special meeting on October 18 to facilitate a renewed request for continued assistance from the Republic of Vietnam in accounting for missing American POWs/MIAs from the Vietnam War. These American soldiers were last known to be captive or missing but never returned after Operation Homecoming in 1973, when only 591 American prisoners of war were repatriated.

Attorney Arnold Beizer, President of Let Freedom Ring, Inc. (http://www.letfreedomringinc.com), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the cause of freedom and building awareness of the plight of American POWs/ MIAs from the Vietnam War, met with Nguyen Tam Chien, Republic of Vietnam’s Ambassador to the U.S. Mr. Beizer passed along a message addressed to the Vietnamese Ambassador from Mrs. Carol Hrdlicka, wife of missing American Air Force pilot Colonel David Hrdlicka whose F-105 aircraft was shot down over Laos on May 18, 1965. The meeting was facilitated by Michael Fox, President/CEO of the Muhammad Ali Center and Ben Jones, Executive Director of the World Affairs Council of Louisville and Southern Indiana. The Ambassador’s visit coincided with a luncheon held at the Ali Center on October 17, sponsored by the World Affairs Council.

The discussions with Ambassador Nguyen focused on the need for determining the status of the missing men and progress in finding and returning American pilots like Colonel David Hrdlicka. Colonel Hrdlicka was known to be alive after Operation Homecoming according to declassified government documents and live sighting reports dating back to 1992. Russian news correspondent Ivan Loboda told Arnold Beizer he had personally seen American pilots including David Hrdlicka in captivity several years after Colonel Hrdlicka was captured in Laos.

In 1994, Muhammad Ali traveled to Vietnam on a mission arranged by Let Freedom Ring Inc. to help POW/MIA family members establish a “bridge of friendship” with the Vietnamese people. Vietnam officials in 1994 acknowledged the Champ’s visit with a friendly red carpet welcome and promised to assist in every way possible in determining the whereabouts of missing American servicemen who were not part of the contingent that returned home in the prisoner release of 1973. There are 1,800 Americans still unaccounted for from the war.

Ambassador Nguyen sympathized with the family members of Americans missing in action and promised to address this issue with appropriate Vietnamese government officials and respond with a progress report. He extended an invitation for Mr. Ali and officials from the Ali Center and Let Freedom Ring, Inc. to join him in Vietnam to further this humanitarian effort that would also necessitate the involvement of neighboring countries to Vietnam. President George W. Bush recently proclaimed National POW/MIA Day on September 15, 2006 and promised to continue efforts to obtain a full and final accounting of all American POWs.

In assisting Let Freedom Ring’s efforts in the past, Muhammad Ali attended a Let Freedom Ring Charity Music concert in Philadelphia to benefit American POW families. There, Ali championed the cause of the POWs and proclaimed, “The world is my home and every country is only a room. All people of all races and religions are my brothers and sisters… It is fitting that we all celebrate freedom and toll the Liberty Bell calling for the release of brothers and sisters held hostage around the world. Let’s let freedom ring and let every man return to his own family. Let’s set the captives free at the sound of the bell.”

About Muhammad Ali Center

The Muhammad Ali Center is an international cultural and educational center that is inspired by the ideals of Muhammad Ali. Featuring a non-traditional visitor experience, educational and public programming, global initiatives and distance learning, the Ali Center will reach beyond its physical walls to fulfill its mission: To preserve and share the legacy and ideals of Muhammad Ali, to promote respect, hope and understanding, and to inspire adults and children everywhere to be as great as they can be.

About Let Freedom Ring, Inc.

For two decades, Let Freedom Ring, Inc. has promoted the cause of freedom and championed the plight of America’s Prisoners of War (POWs) and those Missing in Action (MIAs). Informing and educating Congress and the President on the unsolved POW/MIA issue is just one of Let Freedom Ring’s primary focuses as well as sponsoring media events held to generate much needed media coverage for the POW/MIA issue. However, the principal mission of Let Freedom Ring is to produce and provide music from the heart of America bringing a message of freedom to the masses.


Arnold Beizer

Let Freedom Ring, Inc.

(561) 368-1019 or

(860) 547-0440


Stacy Arnett

Muhammad Ali Center

(502) 992-5318


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US Citizenship- Duties You Have As An American Citizen

US citizenship is one of the most coveted citizenships in the world. The United States provides an atmosphere in which the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness becomes possible. It is this endeavor that has created one of the biggest industrial nations in the world. Also they are guaranteed minimum standard of living via social security and healthcare. However these rights are not free, they come with responsibilities attached. It is one of the fundamental principles of civics that “rights and duties are two sides of the same coin”. The duties that need to be followed on obtaining US citizenship have been listed below.

Pay Taxes: Under the Internal Revenue Service code, all US citizens are required to pay taxes on all of their income including income which has been earned abroad. Taxes are the fundamental source of revenue of the country and are the fuel for systems like social security, healthcare etc. There are however some exceptions under which certain incomes whether generated internally or abroad are exempt from taxation. However it is a pre condition of the US citizenship to pay taxes as imposed by authorities from time to time.

Register with The Armed Forces: Every male US citizen is required to register with the Armed forces on completion of 18 years of age. They may be required to fight for the United States if need be. This has never been the case since the Vietnam war but the US still requires all males to register themselves for a possible summon at some future date.

Obey the Laws: All United States citizens are supposed to respect and obey the law which has been created by their own representatives. Thus they are expected to co-operate with all law enforcement agencies such as police, secret services and the judiciary system. This is the pillar on which the secure system provided by the United States rests.

Vote and Elect Responsible leaders: Passing the US citizenship application also entails the responsibility to vote and elect suitable representatives that may hold office and take decisions on your behalf.

Although the list of responsibilities may be much more than the ones mentioned above but these broadly give a fair idea of what it is like to be a US citizen. The costs are not too high to pay given the opportunity and freedom that a US citizenship provides. The fact that millions apply each year for a US citizenship should tell you volumes about how better the system really is compared to other countries.

Jonathon Leavy has become an enthusiastic digital photographer for forty five years. He learnt along with the Nyc Institute of Photography and has taught photo taking and conversation independently and in colleges for quite some time.

Article from articlesbase.com

POPE’S CROSS PLAYER & LIVE SREAMING – COMING SOON www.h2onews.org www.h2onews.org www.ewtn.com 4-February-2011 — Vatican Information Service Share | Plenary Of Supreme Tribunal Of The Apostolic Signatura VATICAN CITY, 4 FEB 2011 (VIS) – This morning in the Vatican, Benedict XI received participants in the plenary assembly of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. As the Pope pointed out in his remarks, this is the first time he has received members of the institution since the promulgation of its “Lex propria”, which he signed in 2008 and thanks to which it can periodically celebrate a plenary “Congregatio” for “the promotion of the correct administration of justice in the Church. “The function of this tribunal is not, in fact limited to exercising supreme judicial authority”, Benedict XVI added, “but it also has an executive role in overseeing the correct administration of justice within the ecclesial body. … This activity must be co-ordinated and patient, aimed above all at supplying the faithful with a correct, prompt and efficient administration of justice, as I myself requested, regarding cases of nullification of marriage, in the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation ‘Sacramentum caritatis'”. The Holy Father went on then to explain how, in that Apostolic Exhortation, he had also “referred to the Instruction ‘Dignitas connubii’, which gives moderators and ministers of the tribunal, in the form of a handbook, the norms they need to ensure that causes for
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What is in the American constitution about equal rights?

Question by Me: What is in the American constitution about equal rights?
I was wondering if the Constitution directly mentions everyone being equal, I thought that it would have done but I’ve done a few google searches and I have found nothing of use.

In the Brown V Board of education (although it was obviously wrong) which part of the Constitution did it break? As separate schools were later declared ‘unconstitutional’ .

Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Mother Hubbard
The pro Constitution people here stop admiring it around the
14th Amendment.
They don’t like the Civil Rights Act, or any of the Amendments after 10.

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