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Cool Freedom Of Religion images

A few nice Freedom of Religion images I found:

Freedom From Religion Foundation
Freedom of Religion
Image by On Being
FFRF’s billboard/bus sign campaign

Freedom of Religion
Image by roberthuffstutter

Latest Freedom Of Religion News

Sohan Qadri leaves behind rich legacy in tantrik art
By Madhusree Chatterjee, New Delhi, March 5 : Contemporary spiritual artist Sohan Qadri stood apart from the rest of his generation of painters for his devotion to his cause – pursuing the divine through art and poetry.
Read more on New Kerala

Egypt A Global Economic Dynamo Over The Next 40 Years: Citibank
04 March 2011 Citibank Citibank expects Egypt to emerge as its third best economy in terms of economic growth. It’s obviously taken the long-view on the country, ignoring the political upheaval it has gone through in the past month
Read more on Zawya

Nice Freedom Of Religion photos

Some cool Freedom of Religion images:

Rashad Hussein and Randa Kuziez at the United Nations in Geneva
Freedom of Religion
Image by US Mission Geneva
Rashad Hussain, President Obama’s Special Envoy to the OIC, and Randa Kuziez, and interfaith activist from the United States, spoke with the press at the United Nations in Geneva about interfaith collaboration.

Rashad Hussain at the United Nations in Geneva
Freedom of Religion
Image by US Mission Geneva
Rashad Hussain, President Obama’s Special Envoy to the OIC, and Randa Kuziez, and interfaith activist from the United States, spoke with the press at the United Nations in Geneva about interfaith collaboration.

Interfaith Activist Randa Kuziez speaking with the press about interfaith collaboration
Freedom of Religion
Image by US Mission Geneva
Rashad Hussain, President Obama’s Special Envoy to the OIC, and Randa Kuziez, and interfaith activist from the United States, spoke with the press at the United Nations in Geneva about interfaith collaboration.

The Arrivals pt 34 The Infiltration of Religion

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Dinesh D’Souza Debates Dan Barker (FFRF.org) at the Prestonwood Christian Academy Plano, Texas November 19, 2009 The Question: “What’s So Great about Christianity?” christianity christians freedom from religion foundation ffrf god jesus islam bible big bang

Q&A: Conservatives, do you think freedom of religion only applies to Christianity?

Question by kr_811: Conservatives, do you think freedom of religion only applies to Christianity?
My pastor (who is obviously Conservative) had a two week series on the evils of Islam. He was completely misinformed about the whole religion because said that every Muslim in America is either an terrorist or agrees with the terrorists but is too afraid to be a terrorist. He concluded that Islam should not be allowed in America.
What happened to freedom of religion? This right according to the Conservative way?

P.S. One of my closest friends is Muslim and he can’t stand what terrorist are doing.

Best answer:

Answer by Smackee
pretty much.

What do you think? Answer below!

Atheist Heads U.N. Freedom of Religion Committee

New York, NY (PRWEB) January 12, 2005

Matt Cherry, of Albany, N.Y., is serving as the first humanist elected president of the United Nations Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief.

The NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief works within the United Nations to promote and defend international agreements protecting freedom of religion and belief. Members of the committee represent several religious faiths and belief systems.

Cherry is the executive director of the Institute for Humanist Studies, an Albany-based nonprofit think tank promoting secularism in government and education. Prior to his appointment as president, Cherry served a two-year term as secretary of the United Nations NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief. Like many humanists, Cherry is an atheist.

The philosophy of humanism maintains that science and reason are the best means to promote human welfare. Humanists accept that people can live ethical, moral, happy and well-adjusted lives free from religious or supernatural convictions.

“Freedom of religion and belief is emerging as a key battleground of the twenty-first century. We are seeing that religious intolerance is one of the root causes of terrorism and conflicts,” Cherry said. “The United Nations is the best hope for countering violence by creating respect and understanding for all the world’s beliefs.”

“I’m very happy that Matt Cherry has been elected president,” said outgoing President Antonios Kireopoulos. “Cherry brings a solid background and commitment to the work of promoting freedom of religion or belief. I look forward to collaborating with him as he leads us through our next phase of activity.” Kireopoulos also serves the National Council of Churches as associate general secretary for International Affairs and Peace.

For information on The United Nations NGO Committee of Freedom of Religion or Belief, visit www.ngocongo.org/ngosubs/freedrel.htm. For information on humanism and the Institute for Humanist Studies, visit www.HumanistStudies.org.

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Some nuts think religion is useless: God is non-existence! But it is the only explanation for your being!

Some nuts think religion is useless: God is non-existence! But it is the only explanation for your being!


Some nuts think that religion is useless and bad. They proclaim that God does not exist and He is the invention of humans of a Big Someone. No proof for God and no one can see God, therefore, for such imbeciles, God does not exist.

But these confirmed imbeciles forget that without religion there is no other explanation for our life and our death, our lifecycle, for the purpose of human being, for good and evil. There is no other explanation for living and suffering, for living and rejoicing, for desperation and hope.

Without religion how can we have a moral code in accordance with the nature of human being, in accordance with what the creator of man has designed and prescribed for him? How can we understand the object of being, growing, ageing and dying? How can we comprehend our task and modulate our lives accordingly?

But religion is only an invitation for man. It is only an admonition for the human race. It is only a path indicator. Religion leaves for man the ultimate choice of belief and disbelief. It gives all dignity and value as well as freedom of will to man to decide for himself, to choose between the path of God or any other path, the devil for example.

Religion explains to mankind the meaning of their existence, it invites them to believe in God and do good with the consequences of a reckoning in another life where all shall be held responsible for their beliefs, or disbelief, for their good and evil. It tells humans that the power that has put their atoms together can redo it again, at pleasure.

It tells us of the purpose of God for creating humans and how He would try and test them. It tells us about the mystery of our existence and the existence of the universe, our role and our end. It tells us of who has created the universe and created all life manifestations that surrounds us.

It informs us of the good path and the evil one to follow. It tells us how to avoid the evil and bad action and how to perform the good one. It is the only way to avoid evil and do good.

But such an ignorant imbecile does rejects religion for religion was taken as a pretext for crime, murder and all sins, under the Christians, Inquisitions, Crusades. Christians fighting one another in Ireland. Muslims are accused with terrorism and killings.

Such an imbecile cites the cases of the 9/11 and the Bali suicide bombing of a discotheque killing Australian citizens and other westerners.

The accusation is badly taken and is a false accusation directed against religion. No religion teaches hatred and teaches crime and killing.

But being ignorant of religion and religious texts, such idiots assume that religion prescribes such crimes. While religion denies humans committing any crimes, of murder or theft.

The Law prescribes Ten Golden Commandments exactly to avoid any evil doing and promoting what is good. The Gospel is an invitation to all mankind to do good and shun evil. The Qur’anic text is but an admonition to mankind to do good and eschew evil with the consequences awaiting the sinners.

God, is the only deterrent factor in the life of man to do good and avoid evil. If God is not there then man does what he wants. No moral codes, no laws of conduct, no deterrents, and everyone is free to do what he likes, at pleasure.

It is exactly because of this there so many belief systems and so many deities and so many paths to sin and do wrong, so many paths to take and so many deities to worship. Man is given the mind and the freedom to choose for himself and then he shall be held to account for his, or her, own deeds. He is given a short and transitory lifetime and then his return to the creator that has put his atoms together.

If there is no God then every human being is free to kill, murder, massacre, steal and lead his life according to his animal drives. Throughout history we have ample examples of such criminality.

Look at what Napoleon has does of humanity offering sacrifices at the altar of his personal glory, Caligula, Nero, Alexander the Great before them, Hitler, Mussolini, Paul Pot, Stalin, Mao, in our time, only last century, have done to humanity for they were disbelievers atheists, like those imbeciles who are against religion and deny God, they are responsible for the massacre of millions and criminality against humanity. Look at Ben laden what he has done of criminal acts against humanity, and his team of hard and professional religious mafia sowing terror in the world.

But religion is not responsible but those who deny religion and deny God that are responsible. The crusades in the Dark Ages and terrorist acts in our time, are performed by psychopath and distorted criminals that identify themselves with religion, whether Islam, Christianity of Judaism.

Humans take anything as a pretext for their evil doing, to justify massacre, crime, murder and destruction. Humans take any pretext to justify their dominance, power and control over others, individuals or states and people suffer always at their hands.

Such arrogant and ignorant idiots who reject religion and disbelieve in God have no idea of why they are there and cannot possibly explain there own existence except in terms of the absurd and the inutile.

How would such imbeciles, like Hawking  and Darwin, explain their own being and the existence of the universe if there is no God to ordain things?

But man is an ungrateful bastard to his own creator!

Article from articlesbase.com

This debate took place on September 26, 2009, in Newberg, Oregon, between Dan Barker of the Freedom From Religion Foundation and James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries.

Marijuana and our Freedom of Religion

What does Freedom of Religion have to do with smoking marijuana? Find out here. It is unconstitutional to prohibit smoking marijuana in a religious ceremony where that religion practices it.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Cool Freedom Of Religion images

A few nice Freedom of Religion images I found:

Freedom of Religion
Image by roberthuffstutter
It would have been a noble effort to have awarded this prize to the image of all of our service men and women who have given their lives for the purpose of peace. It is an opportunity that would have truly paid respect to america and to the families of the deceased who gave their all, their very future so that islamic peoples could live in harmony within their ideologically divided nations.
Posted a moment ago.

Freedom of Religion
Image by beelaineo
An active citizen greets passers-by at the site of the "Ground Zero Mosque" controversy, an abandoned Burlington Coat Factory.

Freedom of Religion
Image by beelaineo
An active citizen greets passers-by at the site of the "Ground Zero Mosque" controversy, an abandoned Burlington Coat Factory.

Does a minor have the legal right to freedom or religion regardless of what their parent say?

Question by Arilyetha: Does a minor have the legal right to freedom or religion regardless of what their parent say?
I’m 17 and want to be in an active part of my religion, but am not allowed to because my parents are against it. Don’t I have the freedom of religion?
Thank you so much for the answers already. 🙂 I guess this is more or less asking about being able to attend because I want to. See, the church doesn’t want to get sued, so I am unable to attend anything. Is there any loop hole or anything that I can do in order to be able to be an active part and no one get hurt in the process?

Best answer:

Answer by davidmi711
You have the freedom to believe anything you want. You do not have the freedom to go anywhere you want.

“Is there any loop hole or anything that I can do in order to be able to be an active part and no one get hurt in the process?” – Well, no one is being hurt now. There is no loophole that allows you to disregard the rules set by your parents for religious reasons.

Add your own answer in the comments!